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Undergraduate in Civil Engineering

Dados Gerais

Código Oficial: 9089
Sigla: CIVD


  • Undergraduate in Civil Engineering (180 Créditos ECTS)

Unidades Curriculares

Linear Algebra

CVD001 - ECTS To acquire some calculus techniques which are widely used in other curricular units; among these techniques we highlight matrix techniques, representation of linear equation systems and their resolution, determinants and their applications as well as linear spaces and linear transformations.

Mathematical Analysis I

CVD002 - ECTS The goal is to carry on developing the mathematical reasoning initiated in highschool education, in order to be able to meet the demands of other curricular units. On completing this curricular unit, students should have acquired the necessary skills in differential calculus and integration of functions of one variable, including the fundamental theorems of calculus.Não aplicável

Technical Drawing


With the "Technical Drawing" the student should acquire a basic training in the field of technical drawing and develop a flexibility in understanding and implementation of designs, necessary for its future path. Another objective is to learn assisted computer drawing.


CVD034 - ECTS It is intended that after the attendance of this course unit, students are able to solve problems involving the equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, with and without friction; to obtain the mass centre position and the moment of inertia of composite bodies; to resolve problems of stability and equilibrium through energetic concepts.


  • Review and deepen fundamental concepts of chemistry obtained in secondary education, namelly the atomic structure, and inter and intramolecular bonding.
  • Understand the basic principles of thermodynamics.
  • Understand the differences and relationships between acid and base.
  • Understand the importance of the corrosion phenomena and their implications in civil engineering.
  • Understand some propreties of materials, relating them with their chemical nature.

Analysis of Statically Determined Structures

CVD007 - ECTS By the end of this course the student will acquire the competences to be able to solve problems involving the equilibrium of determinate structures in two and three dimensions; analyse the statical determinacy; determine support reactions and to represent internal forces diagrams. The student have to be able to apply the Principle of Virtual Work in determinate structures and to represent influence lines.

Mathematical Analysis II

CVD008 - ECTS The goal is to carry on developing the mathematical reasoning initiated in Mathematical Analysis I and apply it, in this case, to functions of several variables, to be able to meet the demands of other curriculum units. On completing the curriculum unit, the students should have acquired the necessary skills in differential calculus and integration of functions of several variables, including the fundamental theorems of calculus. They should also be able to solve some differential equations that appear in several applications of engineering.

Cartography and Geographic Information Systems

CVD036 - ECTS The student should be able to read, interpret and take measurements on topographical plans, to interpret the landforms, interpolate spot heights, determine slopes, profiling, calculating areas and volumes. The student must have notions of Geodesy and Cartography: natural coordinates, geodetic coordinates, methods of coordinate transformation, national cartographic infrastructure, systems of national map projection. The student should know and use the topographic equipment (optical level, theodolite, GNSS equipment), and about the main methods of topographic positioning (levelling and coordinate transportation) should know and prepare a short topographic surveying. The student must know some concepts of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, especially of the remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS). The student must have knowledge of Geographic Information Systems, namely must know how to manipulate vector and matrix data.

Engineering Geology


Highlight the influence of geology in civil engineering.

Show the relevance of natural observation, representative of a Science such as Geology.

Give the specific vocabulary to make understandable the communication between the Civil Engineer and the

Geologist or Engineering Geologist.

Provide knowledge for basic geologic information in a Civil Engineering perspective.

Hand-sample identification of the main types of rocks.

To interpret geological maps.

Recognize general features of Portugal geology.

Describe the main processes of geotechnical survey.

Understand the basic characteristics of soils and the relevant classifications applicable.

Identify the mechanisms involved in soil compaction.

Describe rock alteration processes and soil formation.

Probabilities and Statistics


Students should be able to apply statistical description methods, including both univariate and bivariate analysis, in common engineering applications.

General Hydraulics

The student will learn the concepts and fundamentals of Hydraulics with interest for Civil Engineering. Is expected the student to acquire a basic training in solving current hydraulic problems, in particular as regards fluid statics, fluid kinetics, fluid dynamics, flow friction laws, flow in pipes and open channel flows. As a basic science for a civil engineer, students should ensure their individual mastery of the subjects taught.

Construction Materials

CVD037 - ECTS Students should acquire basic knowledge on the main materials used in construction, namely their raw materials and processing, characteristics and properties to understand the applications and performances of each one of them. They should also know the current standards in order to select and specify the best materials for each specific situation.

Soil Mechanics

CVD015 - ECTS Students should be able to:
i) understand the basic characteristics of soils and the relevant classifications applicable;
ii) identify the mechanisms involved in soil compaction;
iii) understand the effects of water and its movement within the soil;
iv) understand and apply the concepts of effective stress and total stress in soil;
v) analyze the behavior of soils in relation to its deformability and strength.

Territorial Planning and Management


The PGT curriculum aims to transmit knowledge about the study of the city, the territory and the instruments of territory management (IGT, considered in the legal order Portuguese) with a view to the promotion and integration of the acts of civil engineering in urbanism, planning and spatial planning.

Provide students with knowledge about the importance and potential of the planning and management of the territory and current IGT in the preservation of the territory, resources and the satisfaction of human needs. Giving an integrated and multidisciplinary vision to the interventions, contemplating the public space, the built and the infrastructures, adapting them to the contemporary needs of society.

Construction Processes I

CVD016 - ECTS This curricular unit intends to pass on knowledge on construction processes and common structuralsolutions in buildings.

Strength of Materials I

CVD017 - ECTS It is intended that the students acquire basic skills and knowledge in the field of Mechanics of Materials: (i) know the definition and physical meaning of the internal stress matrix components and the strain matrix components, as well as Hooke’s law; (ii) know the physical meaning of Young modulus and Poission coefficient; (iii) evaluate strain and tension matrixes from results obtained with strain rosettes; (iv) evaluate stresses, strains and displacements in tridimensional frame structures built by prismatic frames (homogeneous and heterogeneous) under axial forces and torsion. In particular, it is intended that students develop the ability to adapt to new situations and properly analyze the results.

Geotechnical Structures

CVD040 - ECTS Students should acquire the structural design knowledge and skills to use methods of stability analysis to check
the safety of geotechnical component of Civil Engineering current works, according to Eurocode 7.

Building Physics

CVD018 - ECTS In the Construction Physics curricular unit, the student should adquire fundamental knowledge related to the construction sciences, namely hygrothermics, acoustics, ventilation and natural lighting.

Urban Hydraulics

The aim of the curricular unit is to introduce students to the urban water cycle and its infra-structures, in its quantity and quality aspects, including basic knowledge of water treatment. In this discipline the student will complement the competences acquired in Hydraulics I and II and learn about procedures to solve real problems. Students will be able to perform engineering design of water supply and sewer systems and its interference with the water cycle. Students should develop their competences in work planning and team work. Work planning has a special emphasis in this curricular unit, as milestones are established all through the term. They should be able to research for contents on their own, in this area. They must understand all the possibilities there are for a civil engineer to intervene and when they should interact with other specialists. Students must assure their individual knowledge in the area

Construction Processes II


The curricular unit Construction Processes II appears in the continuity of the curricular unit of Processes of Construction I.

Programming and Numerical Computing

CVD039 - ECTS It is intended that the student acquires programming and numerical calculus skills.

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Understand the basic programming principles that will allow the student to adapt to new programming languages;
  • Develop logical reasoning;
  • Understand and apply numerical methods to solve mathematical problems: nonlinear equations, polynomial approximation of functions, numerical integration and ordinary differential equations;
  • Implement the algorithms obtained from the numerical methods and apply them to Civil Engineering problems;
  • Recognize the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of each method;
Develop teamwork skills.

Strength of Materials II


It is intended that the students acquire basic skills and knowledge in the field of Mechanics of Materials: (i) evaluate stresses, strains and displacements in linear prismatic frame elements under biaxial bending and shear;(ii) evaluate the central core and shear centre of cross-sections;(iii) apply material yield criteria to threedimensional problems with compound forces; (iv) evaluate critical axial force of isolated columns and columns in a framework; (v) evaluate bearing load of columns according to EC3.

Structural Concrete

CVD023 - ECTS The main objective of the course is that the students achieve the ability to design reinforced concrete structures, such as beams, columns and slabs. The students have to be able to understand the concepts related to safety formats
applied to materials and actions, required to the correct design of every structure. 

Building Services

Students shoul learn theoretical and practical knowledge of water distribution, fire-fighting, sewage and storm drainage networks in buildings. They should also be able to design and scale building networks of water distribution, firefighting with water and sewerage and drainage, as well as some accessory elements associated therewith. Complement the training, usually specific to civil engineering, with a more general view of facilities that are included in buildings and are the object of study of other branches of engineering.

Building Information Modeling


The curricular unit "Building Information Modeling" has as its objective to deepen, develop and apply the knowledge acquired in Technical Drawing and the introduction to the basic concepts of the BIM methodology (acronym for Building Information Modelling).

With this curricular unit it is intended that the student acquire a technical learning of drawing with the use of digital tools where it is possible to apply it in all fields of architectural and engineering projects, it is also sought the acquisition of knowledge with a view to the use of "tools with BIM support" in 3D modelling of buildings and urban space.

Modeling and Structural Analysis

CVD024 - ECTS It is intended that the students acquire basic knowledge and competence in Structural Analysis and Modelling (in a linear elastic context) by learning how to: conduct symmetry simplifications in thin plates and skeletal structures; obtain statically and cinematically admissible solutions in thin plates; solve skeletal structures using the force method and the displacement method (though matrixial calculus) considering applied forces, temperature variations and foundation displacements; use of software for structural analysis to solve skeletal structures and model slab panels with grid elements. Particularly, it is intended the students develop the adjustment ability to new situations as well as the ability to appraise critically each step of the solution procedure.

Planning and Management of Projects I

CVD025 - ECTS This curricular unit intends to pass on knowledge on the overall management of construction projects.

Structural Design

CVD028 - ECTS The student should be able to: I. organize foundation and structural projects in any of its developing stage; II. define and combine actions; III. design regular reinforced concrete buildings and retaining walls; IV. design knowledge and skills to use methods of stability analysis to check the safety of geotechnical component of direct foundations; V. design a reinforced concrete project according to Eurocodes

Steel and Composite Structures

CVD029 - ECTS It is intended that after the attendance of this course unit, students are able to: (i) to understand the behaviour of a steel and composite structures; (ii) to design and to verify the safety of beams, columns, beam-columns and frames of current steel structures; (iii) to design and to verify the safety of composite concrete-steel beams, and; (iv) to design and to verify the safety of joints in steel and composite structural systems.

Planning and Management of Projects II

CVD030 - ECTS The curricular unit intends to deepen, complement and integrate the contents of the UC PGE I.

Construction Health and Safety

CVD031 - ECTS This curricular unit intends to pass on knowledge on safety and health in construction projects.


CVD043 - ECTS Create a solid base to the level of the conception, detail, homogenization and detail of the tracing of a road (road or rail) in plant, longitudinal and transverse profile for all stages of the project. Provide bases for study of traffic, drainage, paving and signage, so that students are able to respond to the demands and requirements of a transport routes project. Abilities to verify the systems of Transport in their technical, economic and social components. Acquire skills to check the attributes of traffic flows and the determinative factors in the choice of transport.
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