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Curso Técnico Superior Profissional em Tecnologias de Laboratório Químico e Biológico - ETLA

Dados Gerais

Código Oficial: T190
Sigla: TLQBE
Descrição: O Curso Técnico Superior Profissional em Tecnologias de Laboratório Químico e Biológico forma profissionais com perfil técnico especializado, dotados de competências para executar e gerir as atividades correntes de laboratórios químicos e/ou biológicos, garantindo o seu bom funcionamento e a execução de ensaios e análises químicas, biológicas, bioquímicas e de biologia molecular em laboratórios certificados independentes ou integrados em empresas.


  • Professional Higher Technical Course in Chemical and Biological Laboratory Technologies - Sines (120 Créditos ECTS)

Unidades Curriculares

Environment, Quality, and Safety in the Laboratory

TLQE022 - ECTS Know the requirements for implementing quality, environmental, safety and health management systems. Know and apply risk management practices in laboratories. Understand the importance of laboratory accreditation activities.
Know practices for conducting audits of management systems.

Cytology and Histology

TLQE021 - ECTS At the end of the curricular unit, students are expected to have the ability to:
- Understand the principles of classification and the diversity of organisms;
- Detail structural and functional aspects of different types of cells - prokaryotes and eukaryotes (animals and plants);
- Understand the morphological organization of animal and plant tissues and organs;
- Deal with cytochemical and plant and animal tissue preparation techniques for observation at optical microscope.


TLQE002 - ECTS It is intended in this course that the student acquires the skills of manipulating a word processor and a spreadsheet. It is also intended to acquire bases on the abstract concepts of programming and introduction to programming techniques, which allows it to adapt to new programming languages.

Elementary Mathematics

TLQE019 - ECTS Acquire skills in analytical, graphical analysis and implementation of concrete strategies of trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic function,among others; acquire notions of analytic geometry and matrix calculus.

Chemistry I

TLQE020 - ECTS It is intended that the student acquires fundamental knowledge of Chemistry in order to understand the structure of matter and its transformations.

It is also intended that you understand the importance of basic laboratory techniques, as well as the determination of concentrations and simple stoichiometric calculations.

Communication Techniques and Data Presentation


In this curricular unit the student will develop skills in technical communication in Portuguese and English to act with confidence in the international professional context.

The student will:

  • prepare technical reports in Portuguese and English respond to letters and emails in professional contexts in Portuguese and English;
  • work in team to carry out group work and make an oral presentation of  Business Presentation type in Portuguese and English;
  • show understanding of English texts related to laboratory techniques and laboratory safety;
  • demonstrate the ability to use numbers, technical measurements;
  • demonstrate the ability to interpret data tables and graphical representations;
  • demonstrate the ability to convey information effectively in graphical format and in tables.

Physicochemical Analysis in the Food and Chemical Industry

TLQE025 - ECTS This UC aims to transmit knowledge about the operations and processes most used in the food and chemical industry, which allow the control of physical and chemical properties during their transformation and storage. The student must have notions about the characteristics that define the quality of these products, changes in their properties; You must know and know how to apply appropriate analytical techniques to each product under evaluation.

Chemical Laboratories

The purpose of discipline is to provide skills training in basic operations of chemical laboratory. After completed the course, students should have acquired the following competencies:
- 1. Ability to analyze data analytical and experimental results.
- 2. Interpreting the sources of uncertainty and the ways of propagation.
- 3.  Competence in handling analytical glassware, analytical equipment, and reagents in the laboratory.

Instrumental Methods of Analysis C

TLQE016 - ECTS At the end of this CU, the student must:
- Plan and carry out advanced laboratory techniques.
- Understand and use quality control in the results of analytical measurements.
- Know the instrumentation, the physical-chemical principle of each analytical method, and its advantages and disadvantages.
- Apply calibration methods.
- Interpret the results of analytical chemistry and acquire critical skills and integration of knowledge in laboratory work.

Microbiology and Microbial Analysis

TLQE004 - ECTS At the end of the course, students are expected to understand and know the theoretical foundations: microorganisms and their diversity; the kinetics and energy of bacterial growth and cell death; the effect of environmental factors and anti-microbial agents in the control of microbial growth; the basic mechanisms underlying the adaptability and proliferation of microorganisms in different habitats. It should also learn theoretical and practical knowledge about the different types of microbial analysis, applicable standards depending on the type of sample and/or analysis. The student must also be able to apply, in the laboratory context, the knowledge
previous ones, knowing how to work safely and following the rules of asepsis, knowing how to prepare the culture media appropriate to each type of microorganism, to know methods of sterilization, disinfection and decontamination, to carry out microscopic examinations, perform sample collection and preparation, master sample dilution techniques and
innoculation, know microbial identification methods in food, water and air.

Chemistry II

TLQE023 - ECTS The aim is for the student to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of chemistry, which will support the preparation of specialized technical reports with clear, concise, and comprehensive information. This course also aims to enable the future professional laboratory technician in Chemical and Biological Laboratory to perform experimental work with an understanding of the scientific foundations that underpin it. Therefore, the curriculum deepens knowledge in chemistry at the level of major chemical equilibria, with exemplification through laboratory work.

Analysis and Statistical Data Processing


Biochemistry and Biochemical Analysis


Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry


Methods of Water and Soil Analysis


Molecular Genetics Techniques

TLQE017 - ECTS At the end of this course it is intended that the student:
- Understand the role of genes as the molecular basis of the mechanisms of genetic alteration and its fundamental importance for the establishment of recombinant DNA technology;
- master Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering methodologies that are the basis for genetic analysis and genetic research at the molecular level, namely identification of serotypes, genotypes, etc.;
- to apply recombinant DNA techniques for cloning in microrganisms.


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