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Code: LTB12003     Sigla: ELECT

Áreas Científicas
Classificação Área Científica
OFICIAL Electric Power Systems

Ocorrência: 2023/2024 - 2S

Ativa? Yes
Página Web:
Unidade Responsável: Departamento de Engenharia Eletrotécnica
Curso/CE Responsável:

Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos

Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Anos Curriculares Créditos UCN Créditos ECTS Horas de Contacto Horas Totais
LTB 52 Plano de Estudos 1 - 6 75 162

Docência - Responsabilidades

Docente Responsabilidade
Armando José Pinheiro Marques Pires

Docência - Horas

Theorethical and Practical : 3,00
Practical and Laboratory: 2,00
Type Docente Turmas Horas
Theorethical and Practical Totais 1 3,00
Armando José Pinheiro Marques Pires 3,00
Practical and Laboratory Totais 3 6,00
Carlos Eduardo Vieira 4,00
Tiago Ferreira Félix da Costa Reis 2,00

Língua de trabalho



Learning objectives (knowledge, skills and competencies to be developed by students)

At the CU of Electrotechnics, a basic discipline in the field of engineering sciences, it is intended that students acquire fundamental competencies in the field of Electrical Engineering, namely that allow understanding of the phenomena electromagnetic in nature and that allows the analysis of electrical circuits in direct and alternating current. It is also intended that students are in possession of instruments (base knowledge and bibliographic guidelines) that enable the eventual continuation and deepening of studies.
In structuring the UC, and in order to achieve the objectives, we seek to complement the theoretical knowledge, including carrying out research work, problem-solving and laboratory practice.

Resultados de aprendizagem e competências

Relate electric potential difference to electric current.
Describe and explain the concepts, characteristics and properties of fundamental electrical quantities, as well as passive and active devices in electrical circuit models.
Know techniques for analyzing electrical circuits, theorems and fundamental laws.
Equate and solve electrical circuits in direct current, using different methodologies.
Equate and solve electrical circuits in alternating current, using different methodologies

Modo de trabalho



1. Introduction to Electrotechnics
Framework and objectives.

2. Fundamentals of Electrostatics
Electric charge; electrostatic force; Coulomb's Law. Electric field; Electric potential; Electric tension. condensers and dielectrics; capacitor association.

3. Stationary Electric Current
Electric Current Intensity; Electrical Resistance; Ohm's Law; Resistance Association; voltage dividers and chain. Electric power sources; Voltage and Current Sources; Electric circuit; Power and Energy; Joule's Law. Analysis of Resistive Circuits in DC. Kirchhoff's Laws. Overlay Theorem. Norton's and Thèvenin's theorems.

4. Magnetostatics
Classification of magnetic materials; Ampere's Law; magnetic flux; Magnetomotive force; Magnetic reluctance; Magnetic saturation; coils; Analysis of Magnetic Circuits; Hopkinson's Law. The analogy between electrical circuits and magnetic.

5. Variable Electromagnetic Field
Faraday's Law; Coefficient of self-induction and mutual induction; Transformer working principle; the principle of operation of mechanical electric power generators; Operating principle of motors (Laplace force).

6. Circuits in Quasi-Stationary Regime
Fundamental notions: sinusoidal alternating quantities; average value and effective value; a complex or symbolic representation of a sinusoidal alternating function.
Analysis of Sinusoidal Alternating Single-Phase Circuits in Steady State. Circuit R; RL; CR; RLC; notions of impedance and reactance; Association of impedances; Active, Reactive and Apparent Powers; Power factor.

Bibliografia Obrigatória

A,J.Pires; Slides de apoio às aulas TP
Docentes de Eletrotecnia; Guias de Laboratório de apoio às aulas

Bibliografia Complementar

Docentes de Eletrotecnia; Problemas de apoio às aulas TP (adicionais)
Joseph A. Edminister; Electromagnetismo, 310 Problemas Resolvidos, Schaum McGrawhill
Sushil Mendiratta; Introdução ao Electromagnetismo, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Sadiku; Elements of Electromagnetics, Saunders College Publishings
L. Bessonov; Electricidade Aplicada para Engenheiros
Nelson Martins; Introdução à Teoria da Eletricidade e do Magnetismo, Editora Edgard Blucher Lda.. ISBN: ISBN: 9788521202110

Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem

In the classes of this UC, both theoretical-practical and laboratory, we will seek to encourage the active participation of students in their learning process, making use of their critical spirit. In theoretical-practical classes there will be a part associated with the presentation of the UC syllabus, always supported by another part, associated with problem-solving. In laboratory classes, the student will have the opportunity to carry out eight laboratory works.

Tipo de avaliação

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Componentes de Avaliação

Designation Peso (%)
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 15,00
Teste 50,00
Trabalho laboratorial 35,00
Total: 100,00

Componentes de Ocupação

Designation Tempo (Horas)
Estudo autónomo 85,00
Frequência das aulas 75,00
Total: 160,00

Obtenção de frequência

The assessment is composed of three components, which complement each other: two tests (or final exam) (50%, and a minimum grade of 7 values in each test and 9 values in the average of the tests (or in the final exam)), where the learning concepts and solving problems; realization and presentation of research work (in-group) on electrotechnical in biomedical technology (15%, with a minimum score of 9 points); realization of laboratory work, including the respective reports and final discussion (35%, with a minimum grade of 9 values).
1. Theoretical and Practical (65%)
- Conducting two tests (or final exam) (50%). Minimum grade: 9 values.
- Realization and presentation of research work (50%). Minimum grade: 9 values.
2. Laboratory (35%)
- Realization of experimental work and preparation and discussion of the respective reports. Minimum grade: 9 values.

Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

The final ranking calculation formula


The final grade for the course will be calculated as follows:
- Laboratories' grade (NL), calculated based on the completion of the 8 different works and discussion of the respective works, equal to or greater than 9 values with a weight of 35%.
- Grade of research and discussion work (NTP), equal to or greater than 9 values with a weight of 15%.
- Final exam grade (NE) must be equal to or greater than 9 values, with a weight of 50%.
- In the case of distributed assessment or tests (NTX), the minimum grade in the average of the tests is 9 values, with a weight of 50% similar to the exam.

The final classification of this UC is calculated by:
NF= 0,25NT1+0,25NT2+0,15NTP+0,35NL

Where: NTX corresponds to the classification obtained in tests 1 and 2.

The final grade of the discipline (NF) will have a minimum grade of 9.5 Values

Avaliação especial (TE, DA, ...)

In accordance with the regulations in force at the institution.

Melhoria de classificação

In accordance with the regulations in force at the institution.
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