Electric Grids
Áreas Científicas |
Classificação |
Área Científica |
Electric Power Systems |
Ocorrência: 2022/2023 - 2S
Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos
Sigla |
Nº de Estudantes |
Plano de Estudos |
Anos Curriculares |
Créditos UCN |
Créditos ECTS |
Horas de Contacto |
Horas Totais |
20 |
Plano de Estudos |
2 |
- |
6 |
75 |
162 |
Docência - Responsabilidades
Língua de trabalho
Obs.: Português
It is intended that the student at the end of the curricular unit (UC), acquire the following skills:
Be able to establish a brief general characterization of the electrical industry, as well as, have a knowledge that allows you to analyze in a summarized way the evolution of the Electric Power Systems (ESS), until the present day. Understand the current organizational structure of the Portuguese SEE and its main components, namely, production, transport and distribution.
Understand the reasons for the establishment of the National Electricity Network, and its single-line scheme.
Recognize the different network topologies, voltage levels and their function. Establish the concept of energy and power, active and reactive powers. The importance of using values per unit in the analysis of SEE.
The load diagram, the way of collecting information from SCADA systems, the different types of DC's and their relationship with the level of aggregation.
The relationship between the shape of the DC and the type of consumer. The different factors of CD. The concept of power feeder.
Notions on the management of transformers in a distribution network. Understand the phenomenon of energy transmission in alternating current.
Know and manipulate the fundamental equations of the high and very high voltage transmission line, in steady state. Decomposition into waves. progressive. Lossless lines at no load and short circuit and under load. understand the equivalent lumped parameter scheme. Understanding of transport capacity, study of stability phenomena.
allow us to understand the operation of Electric Power Systems (ESS).
In the first part of the contents, learn to analyze and dimension the steady-state operation of an SEE, including the network, generators and loads.
In the second part, know how to analyze the SEE in a disturbed regime, through the calculation of the different short-circuit currents in a SEE
Resultados de aprendizagem e competências
It is intended that the student at the end of the curricular unit (UC), acquire the following skills:
Be able to establish a brief general characterization of the electrical industry, as well as, have a knowledge that allows you to analyze in a summarized way the evolution of the Electric Power Systems (ESS), until the present day. Understand the current organizational structure of the Portuguese SEE and its main components, namely, production, transport and distribution.
Understand the reasons for the establishment of the National Electricity Network, and its single-line scheme.
Recognize the different network topologies, voltage levels and their function. Establish the concept of energy and power, active and reactive powers. The importance of using values per unit in the analysis of SEE.
The load diagram, the way of collecting information from SCADA systems, the different types of DC's and their relationship with the level of aggregation.
The relationship between the shape of the DC and the type of consumer. The different factors of CD. The concept of power feeder.
Notions on the management of transformers in a distribution network. Understand the phenomenon of energy transmission in alternating current.
Know and manipulate the fundamental equations of the high and very high voltage transmission line, in steady state. Decomposition into waves. progressive. Lossless lines at no load and short circuit and under load. understand the equivalent lumped parameter scheme. Understanding of transport capacity, study of stability phenomena.
allow us to understand the operation of Electric Power Systems (ESS).
In the first part of the contents, learn to analyze and dimension the steady-state operation of an SEE, including the network, generators and loads.
In the second part, know how to analyze the SEE in a disturbed regime, through the calculation of the different short-circuit currents in a SEE
Modo de trabalho
1 - Electricity transmission and distribution networks: Function; Settings; Voltage levels; Constitutive elements; Single-line schemes, the different voltage levels of the transmission network and voltage levels in the distribution.
2 - The role of networks in the electricity sector value chain: Load diagrams, load diagram analysis parameters.
3 - Transmission line: Electrical parameters of the line: Resistance, reactance and longitudinal inductance, conductance, susceptance and transversal capacity; Equivalent line and transformer diagram. Line diagrams according to voltage level.
4 - Transport capacity. Dynamic limits of airlines.
5 - Fundamental concepts: Values per unit.
6- Energy transit in electricity networks, two- and three-bus systems understanding of numerical methods and analysis of energy transit software.
7- Short circuits: Neutral regimes; Calculation of symmetrical and asymmetrical short-circuit currents; Numerical applications using PSS/E; Short-circuit current limiting techniques.
8 – Protection systems in electrical energy networks, short circuits and control in electrical energy networks.
Bibliografia Obrigatória
Elgerd, Olle L; Electric Energy Systems Theory an Introduction, McGraw-Hill, 1982. ISBN: ISBN: 0-07-Y66273-8
Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem
Non-mandatory face-to-face system, with classes available on an e-learning platform. The student will also carry out laboratory work. (in a pandemic regime, the UC will be taught remotely. The practical work will be solved using a simulator).
Tipo de avaliação
Distributed evaluation with final exam
Componentes de Avaliação
Designation |
Peso (%) |
Participação presencial |
5,00 |
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico |
15,00 |
Prova oral |
15,00 |
Teste |
50,00 |
Trabalho escrito |
15,00 |
Total: |
100,00 |
Componentes de Ocupação
Designation |
Tempo (Horas) |
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico |
7,00 |
Estudo autónomo |
35,00 |
Frequência das aulas |
45,00 |
Trabalho de investigação |
10,00 |
Trabalho escrito |
35,00 |
Trabalho laboratorial |
30,00 |
Total: |
162,00 |
Obtenção de frequência
Exam + lab work.
Conducting the exam minimum grade 9.5 values (minimum grade in one of the tests 7 values)
Laboratory grade, minimum 10 values (average of reports + lab exam grade
Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final
Média final.
MF= 0,6*exame + 0,4*laboratório