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Engenharia e Gestão da Produção e Instalações de Aquacultura

Code: 5022     Sigla: EGPIA1S     Level: 1

Áreas Científicas
Classificação Área Científica
OFICIAL Controlo e Processos

Ocorrência: 2023/2024 - 2S

Ativa? Yes
Unidade Responsável: Departamento de Sistemas e Informática
Curso/CE Responsável:

Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos

Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Anos Curriculares Créditos UCN Créditos ECTS Horas de Contacto Horas Totais
EGPIA1S 8 Plano Oficial do ano letivo 2023 1 - 6 45 162

Docência - Responsabilidades

Docente Responsabilidade
Ricardo Manuel Nunes Salgado

Docência - Horas

Theorethical and Practical : 2,00
Practical and Laboratory: 0,50
Seminário: 1,00
Orientação Tutorial: 1,00
Type Docente Turmas Horas
Theorethical and Practical Totais 1 2,00
Ricardo Manuel Nunes Salgado 2,00
Practical and Laboratory Totais 1 0,50
Ricardo Manuel Nunes Salgado 0,50
Seminário Totais 1 1,00
Ricardo Manuel Nunes Salgado 1,00
Orientação Tutorial Totais 1 1,00
Ricardo Manuel Nunes Salgado 1,00

Língua de trabalho




  1. To know the different types of aquaculture facilities and production methods.
  2. To know and select the most suitable production structures for cultivation.
  3. To know how to size fish, crustacean and mollusc production facilities.
  4. To know how to prepare management, maintenance and operation plans for facilities.
  5. To know about batch management and traceability;
  6. To know how to monitoring the growth and evaluate potential production losses.
  7. To know how to adapt systems to large-scale cultivation.
  8. To acquire the necessary knowledge to organize production, ensuring its viability.
  9. To organize and synthesize technical information.
  10. To be involved and work with multidisciplinary teams.
  11. To have the ability to present innovative ideas that allow you to work autonomously.

Resultados de aprendizagem e competências


Students can work in the management and maintenance of production and facilities.

They are also able to use technology and engineering knowledge to design and optimize aquaculture production facilities.

They will also be able to propose alternatives or solutions for different facilities and equipment management.

Modo de trabalho


Pré-requisitos (conhecimentos prévios) e co-requisitos (conhecimentos simultâneos)

Do not have


Module 1. Engineering and design of production systems (In-person: TP-6h, PL-3h, OT-2.5h, online: TP-6h, OT-2h)

1.1 Location and selection of the type of cultivation systems

  • Production in different types of installations on land and in the open sea.
  • Location of installations in fresh, brackish and salt water.
  • Type of production structures: floating, submerged, tanks, cages and bottom systems.

 1.2 Design of cultivation systems

  • Design of fish, mollusc and crustacean production facilities.
  • Filtration, disinfection and oxygenation in land installations.
  • Auxiliary equipment for onshore installations: water collection, pumping systems, recirculation, renewal rates and water distribution.

 Module 2. Production management (In-person: TP-6h, PL-1.5h online: TP-6h, S-1.5h)

  1. Planning, management and organization of production in fattening, pre-fattening and breeding facilities.
  2. Batch management and production planning according to the size of tanks and cages and equipment.
  3. Growth management. Unfolding, classification and growth control. Monitoring batch growth, biomass and control of batch traceability.
  4. Management and control of losses due to mortality and escapes into the natural environment. 5. Risks associated with the use of wild organisms in cultivation and contagion by pathogenic organisms in the systems' supply water.

 Module 3. Facilities management (In-person: TP-3h, PL-3h, online: TP-3h, S-1.5h)

  1. Management and maintenance of facilities: pipes, channels, floodgates, aeration and supply systems and auxiliary structures
  2. Increase in scale, “scale-up” of cultivation systems. Potential risks and impacts of scale-up obtained from research results.

 Laboratory Component:

  1. Analysis of water mixing and renewal in tanks (1.5h)
  2. Study of sedimentation in tanks (1.5h)
  3. Development of a production and quality control plan (1.5h)
  4. Analysis of oxygen transfer and distribution in tanks (1.5h)
  5. Laboratory setup of pilot installations for R&D development (1.5h)

Bibliografia Obrigatória

Dinis, M.T., Rocha, R.M.; Introdução à Aquacultura, Lidel, 2021. ISBN: 978-989-752-599-5
Lekang, O.; Aquaculture Engineering, John Willey & Sons., 2013. ISBN: 978-0-470-67085-9
Bone, J., Clavelle, T., Ferreira, J.G., Grant, J., Ladner, I., Immink, A., Stoner, J., Taylor, N.G.H., 2018; Best Practices for Aquaculture Management, Conservation International, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, University of California Santa Barbara., 2018
Fredriksson, D.W., Beck-Stimpert, J.; Basis-of-Design Technical Guidance for Offshore Aquaculture Installations, Technical Memorandum NMFS-SER-9, 2019

Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem

In theoretical-practical classes, different production systems and the bases for designing production systems and aquaculture facilities will be described. Theoretical classes will take place, with face-to-face and distance classes on Teams/Zoom teaching platforms in b-learning. In practical laboratory classes, students will apply theoretical knowledge to solve and/or demonstrate specific problems and/or concepts. In tutorial classes, project work will be carried out on a complete installation, on land or at sea, where students will be able to put the knowledge acquired into practice, using the Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology. External experts will be invited to seminar classes to share experiences.

Tipo de avaliação

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Componentes de Avaliação

Designation Peso (%)
Teste 50,00
Trabalho escrito 40,00
Trabalho laboratorial 10,00
Total: 100,00

Componentes de Ocupação

Designation Tempo (Horas)
Elaboração de projeto 7,00
Estudo autónomo 117,00
Frequência das aulas 30,00
Trabalho laboratorial 8,00
Total: 162,00

Obtenção de frequência

Assessment can be continuous or by exam. The assessment will be based on a test/exam and the completion of a project and its presentation and the work carried out in the Lab.

  • Module 1: 1 mini-test + 1 sizing work (part 1) + 2 Lab works
  • Module 2: 1 production management assignment (part 2) + 1 Lab assignment
  • Module 3: 1 mini-test (60% Module 2 + 40% Module 3) + 2 Lab assignments.

Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

The final grade is obtained using the following calculation formula:

CF = 0.50 x test/exam + 0.40 x project/presentation + 0.10 x Lab Work.

 CF – Final classification. The final grade must be higher than 9.5 to obtain approval

Provas e trabalhos especiais

Do not have

Trabalho de estágio/projeto

Do not have

Avaliação especial (TE, DA, ...)

In accordance with the IPS RAA-LOAD regulation

Melhoria de classificação

In accordance with the IPS RAA-LOAD regulation

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