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Strength of Materials II

Code: CVD022     Sigla: RMII

Áreas Científicas
Classificação Área Científica
OFICIAL Mecânica e Estruturas

Ocorrência: 2021/2022 - 2S

Ativa? Yes
Unidade Responsável: Mecânica e Estruturas
Curso/CE Responsável: Undergraduate in Civil Engineering

Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos

Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Anos Curriculares Créditos UCN Créditos ECTS Horas de Contacto Horas Totais
CIVD 20 Study Plan 2 - 6 75 162

Docência - Responsabilidades

Docente Responsabilidade
Paulo Jorge Cunha Mendonça

Docência - Horas

Theorethical: 2,00
Practical and Laboratory: 2,00
Type Docente Turmas Horas
Theorethical Totais 1 2,00
Paulo Jorge Cunha Mendonça 2,00
Practical and Laboratory Totais 1 2,00
João Paulo Oliveira Santos 2,00

Língua de trabalho



It is intended that the students acquire basic skills and knowledge in the field of Mechanics of Materials: (i) evaluate stresses, strains and displacements in linear prismatic frame elements under biaxial bending and shear;(ii) evaluate the central core and shear centre of cross-sections;(iii) apply material yield criteria to threedimensional problems with compound forces; (iv) evaluate critical axial force of isolated columns and columns in a framework; (v) evaluate bearing load of columns according to EC3.

Resultados de aprendizagem e competências

Ability to: (i) evaluate stresses, strains and displacements in linear prismatic frame elements under biaxial bending and shear;(ii) evaluate the central core and shear centre of cross-sections;(iii) apply material yield criteria to threedimensional problems with compound forces; (iv) evaluate critical axial force of isolated columns and columns in a framework; (v) evaluate bearing load of columns according to EC3.
Ability to adapt to new situations and properly analyse the results.

Modo de trabalho




Assumptions, problem formulation and fundamental relationships. Optimization of cross-sections. Biaxial bending. Bending referred to arbitrary axes. Evaluation of plastic moment. Shape factor. Concept of plastic hinge. Bending with axial force. Central core. The equation of the elastic line. Method of unit virtual load. Analysis of static indeterminate beams. Effect of temperature variations. Beams with heterogeneous sections.


Shear effort formula. Shear flow cuts. Evaluation of shear stress distribution. Rectangular section. Open thinwalled sections. Shear centre.


Treska and von-Mises criteria. Force interaction. Global problems.


Instability. Bifurcation. Systems with 1 degree of freedom. Euler column. Other boundary conditions. Real columns. Evaluation of axial resistance according to EC 3.

Bibliografia Obrigatória

Rui Neves; Resistência de Materiais II, ESTB/IPS, 2013
Artur Portela; Arlindo Silva; Mecânica dos Materiais, Plátano, 1996
Vitor Dias da Silva; Mecânica e Resistência dos Materiais, ZUARI , 1999
Ferdinand Beer; Russell Johnston; John DeWolf ; Mechanics of Materials, McGraw-Hill, 2006
Eduardo Borges Pires; Dinar Camotin; Pedro Borges Dinis; Resistência de Materiais I. Apontamentos de flexão elástica de peças lineares, IST/UTL, 2010
Rodrigo Gonçalves; Resistência de Materiais II. Capítulo 4. Encurvadura de colunas, ESTBarreiro/IPS, 2007

Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem

Theoretical lessons are used to expose the new concepts and some straight forward examples are shown, stimulating critical thinking of the students. Practical lessons are used to apply the concepts to increasing complex exercises, some of them solved by the students independently.

Tipo de avaliação

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Componentes de Avaliação

Designation Peso (%)
Teste 100,00
Total: 100,00

Componentes de Ocupação

Designation Tempo (Horas)
Estudo autónomo 102,00
Frequência das aulas 60,00
Total: 162,00

Obtenção de frequência

Nothing to declare.

Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

Assessment during the semester: 0.5xTest 1+0.5xTest 2
1st/ 2nd call: 100% Exam
Extraordinary call: 100% Exam
Intercalar call: 100% Exam


Mecânica A or Análise de Estruturas Isostáticas
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