Machine Learning
Áreas Científicas |
Classificação |
Área Científica |
Informática |
Ocorrência: 2023/2024 - 2S
Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos
Sigla |
Nº de Estudantes |
Plano de Estudos |
Anos Curriculares |
Créditos UCN |
Créditos ECTS |
Horas de Contacto |
Horas Totais |
23 |
Study Plan |
2 |
- |
5 |
52,5 |
135 |
Docência - Responsabilidades
Língua de trabalho
Students should become familiar with the algorithmic foundations of machine learning, as well as techniques for solving the challenges presented by each dataset. They should be able to select appropriate algorithms for each problem and apply the algorithms to new datasets and understand and evaluate their results.
Learning outcomes and competences
- Understanding of the fundamentals of machine learning algorithms and methodologies presented
- Ability to justify the choice of a machine learning solution to a given problem
- Ability to apply the algorithms to new data sets
- Ability to evaluate the results
Resultados de aprendizagem e competências
Not applicable
Modo de trabalho
- Introduction
- Simple classification and regression models (linear and nearest-neighbour models) and their validation: learning paradigms, loss functions, bias and variance error.
- Model inference methods: Search, Expectation-maximization, clustering.
- Kernel methods.
- Neural networks, deep models and representation learning
- Matrix factorization
- Evaluation of models
- Unsupervised, semi-supervised and weakly supervised pattern discovery.
Bibliografia Obrigatória
Aurélien Géron; Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn,Keras, and TensorFlow : Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems Keras, and TensorFlow
Andriy Burkov; The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book
Bibliografia Complementar
Hastie Trevor;; he elements of statistical learning. ISBN: 0-387-95284-5
Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem
The predominant teaching methodologies will be the presentation of concepts, using slides and the demonstration of examples in the computer laboratory. Students will be constantly challenged to solve new problems, based on the examples already demonstrated, and to reflect on the results and performance of the storage and processing processes under study.
Tipo de avaliação
Distributed evaluation with final exam
Componentes de Avaliação
Designation |
Peso (%) |
Teste |
45,00 |
Exame |
30,00 |
Trabalho laboratorial |
25,00 |
Total: |
100,00 |
Componentes de Ocupação
Designation |
Tempo (Horas) |
Estudo autónomo |
90,00 |
Frequência das aulas |
45,00 |
Total: |
135,00 |
Obtenção de frequência
Not applicable
Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final
Continuous assessment
- 25%*project+30%*written test + 3 Moodle tests (15% each)
Final assessment
The 100% assessment regime per exam is not applicable (that is, an exception regime is applied) since, according to the learning objectives and the skills to be acquired, the student must have a strong practical component in the use of tools for storage and processing of big data.