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Nilmara Dias

Fotografia de Nilmara Russo Braz dos Santos Dias
Name: Nilmara Russo Braz dos Santos Dias
Sigla: NRBSD
Estado: Inactivo


Data de Fim: 30-09-2023
Categoria: Professor Adjunto Convidado
Área funcional: Sem área
Carreira: Docente Ensino Superior Politécnico
Professional Group: Docente
Vínculo: (80%)
Departament: Departamento de Engenharia Química e Biológica
Cientific Area: Química

Apresentação Pessoal

PhD in Environmental Engineering - Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon. The doctorate involved the university and a number of industries and institutions. The doctorate was funded by the Science Without Borders program and the project by the Sociedade Ponto Verde. The master was developed in the same area and University, my master thesis was one of the five finalists in the Green Porject Award competition. During the time in the investigation I was able to: present my work in 11 international conferences and 1 national; 5 articles in renowned scientific journals in the area. In 2018 I published a book chapter in the area of ​​mechanical and biological treatment of unsorted municipal solid waste.

Graduated in chemical engineering (pre-bologna, 5 years old) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, where I received the Marcelino Champagnat award due to the best academic performance during the five years of the course. As a prize I received a scholarship for an MBA in Environmental Management System (EMS) completed at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. The chemical engineering course was aimed at the petroleum industry (oil and derivatives) and ethanol plant (which was my final project for the course).
In addition to experience in the area of ​​waste management and treatment, I have experience in industrial solid waste management (experience gained at the company Andrade Engenharia where I worked as an environmental consultant) and also in the production of masterbatch and additive polymers (experience gained in the Poliversal industry ). The teaching experience began during graduation, where he taught reinforcement classes in integral and differential calculus, chemistry and thermodynamics, and during his doctorate, where he gave support to laboratory classes on the separation of waste and ores II.


My main experiences and professional area include:

- Environmental Impact Assessment

- Implementation of an environmental management system

- Waste and ores separation processes, especially urban solid waste.

- Factorial experiment plan

- Quality control

- Industrial asepsis

- Logistics

- Economic analysis

- Petroleum products, especially polymers

- Bioethanol

- Biodiesel

- Teaching

Member of editorial board of the AMEC Journal - Analytical Methods in Environmental Chemistry.

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