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Licenciatura em Engenharia de Automação, Controlo e Instrumentação

Dados Gerais

Código Oficial: 9092
Sigla: EACI


  • Licenciatura em Engenharia de Automação, Controlo e Instrumentação (180 Créditos ECTS)

Concursos Nacionais

Média de acesso do último colocado nos últimos 5 anos

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
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As candidaturas e os prazos são da responsabilidade da Direcção-Geral do Ensino Superior.

Unidades Curriculares


LACI11002 - ECTS

Introduction to Programming

LACI11005 - ECTS
  • Understanding basic concepts and principles of computer operation.
  • Development of logical and formal thinking skills for complex problems analysis.
  • Understanding of conceptual foundations related to computer programming:
    • Understanding the general principles of software engineering;
    • Understanding the central role of Algorithm
    • Ability to code (implement) algorithms in programming languages.

Introduction to Automation, Control and Instrumentation Engineering

LACI11004 - ECTS Upon completion of the course, students should be able to identify the functions of the areas of Automation, Control and Instrumentation Engineering (EACI), industrial processes and elements of automation, control and instrumentation as well as some basic mathematical and software tools in the areas of EACI.

Mathematics I

LACI11001 - ECTS
The aim of the Mathematics I curricular unit is to provide students the basic mathematical knowledge referred to in the syllabus of the curricular unit and necessary for their training as Higher Technicians or Engineers.


LACI11003 - ECTS Não aplicável.


LACI12009 - ECTS Knowing and knowing how to use the technologies available for the realization of automations such as: programmable automata, pneumatic, electropneumatic and electrical technologies.
Know how to model the process under analysis and from this build the control algorithms and build a program for the PLC ( Programmable Logic Controllers).

Fundamentals of Metrology

LACI12011 - ECTS Specify static characteristics of transducers and understand the fundamentals that support their operation, namely, transducers based on magnetic and optical effects.  Describe the role of transducers in the modernization of measurement systems for applications in process automation.

Introduction to Electronics

LACI12007 - ECTS Enumerate the concept of semiconductor material; Point out the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor material; Understand the conduction process in the various diodes (rectifier, light emitter and zener); Understand the avalanche process in the zener diode; Question and interpret the conduction states in the rectifier diode, light emitting diode and zener diode; Understand the difference between conventional and real sense of an electric current; Know the symbology associated with the different diodes; Analyze circuits with rectifier diodes, LED and zener; Apply the different conduction models associated with diodes; Understand the constitution of the Bipolar Junction Transistor (TBJ)/Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOSFET); Identify the TBJ/MOSFET symbology; Distinguish NPN from PNP transistor;
Distinguish N-channel from P-channel MOSFET transistor; Understand how the enrichment and depletion MOSFET works; Identify and analyze the MOSFET models for the different modes of operation; Understand the driving process in the TBJ/MOSFET; Identify and understand the TBJ/MOSFET operating modes; Identify the main assemblies of a transistor (TBJ/MOSFET) and their polarization meshes; Evaluate the transistor (TBJ/MOSFET) as a switch/amplifier element; Identify, understand and interpret the main characteristic curves of the TBJ/MOSFET; Evaluate the resting point of operation of the TBJ/MOSFET; Understand the temperature compensation effect in the common emitter assembly; Identify and understand the function of coupling and contour capacitors; Design polarization meshes in common emitter/common source configuration; Analyze low complexity electronic circuits; Simulate low complexity electronic circuits; Interpret and understand the function of coupling and contour capacitors in low-complexity assemblies; Locate the presence of coupling and bypass capacitors in an electronic amplifier circuit; Assemble, test and experiment with low-complexity electronic circuits.

Mathematics II

LACI12006 - ECTS

The objective of curricular unit (UC) is to provide students with basic knowledge of linear algebra and skills to deal with the mechanisms of differential calculus in scalar and vector fields, mathematical tools of great importance in the professional training of a higher technician or engineer.


LACI12010 - ECTS The student should be able to understand and apply the fundamental laws of newtonian mechanics, in particular: apply Newton's laws; apply a specific methodology for problem solving; perform experiments and analyse the results obtained; identify deviations from expected results critically.

Programmable Automatisms

LACI21012 - ECTS

It is intended to give students the ability to understand and describe the operation of an automatism and to design and carry out its command part based on programmed technologies.

To make students aware of the main standard for programmable logic controlers (PLC) programming and to give them the ability to design and carry out programs using programming systems and languages ​​built on this standard.

Give students the ability to carry out an industrial automation project. Make known the capabilities of communications networks used in industrial automation and the ways in which they can be useful, as well as more specific knowledge about some of these networks.


Instrumentation I

LACI21014 - ECTS To make the students of the 2nd year of the Degree in Automation Engineering Control and Instrumentation of EST Setúbal learn the fundamental principles of measurement and have the capacity to understand the operation of the most used sensors in the measurement of position, displacement, speed, deformation, pressure and level.

Apllied Mathematics

LACI21011 - ECTS
The objective of Matemática Aplicada is to learn key areas of mathematics that are necessary for understanding, modeling, predicting, identify and solve problems of general engineering and mechanical engineering in particular, providing powerful tools for a less elementary approach on the curricular units in engineering courses.

Signals, Systems and Simulation

LACI21015 - ECTS
Develop in students the ability to:
  1. Treat and represent signals in time and frequency.
  2. Model and represent physical systems and processes.
  3. Analyze time and frequency domain systems.
  4. Analyse Systems Stability
  5. Use SW and HW tools for system modelling, simulation and analysis.
  6. Apply Fourier series and Fourier and Laplace transforms in the modeling, simulation and analysis of physical signals and systems.
  7. Use and SW's (Matlab, Simulink and Tina TI) in the development of computer simulations of systems and in problem solving.

Thermodynamics and Fluids

LACI21013 - ECTS Provide students with the necessary knowledge to carry out the energy analysis of simple systems with an interest in engineering. Provide students with the necessary knowledge to analyze the flows inside the pipelines and calculate the distribution of forces on submerged flat surfaces.

Signal Conditioning, Conversion and Transmission

LACI22020 - ECTS Study, implementation and analysis of elementary circuits of signal conditioning for transducer interface.
Study of analog-digital and digital-analog conversion methods, and their application in the area of instrumentation and measurement. Characterization and implementation of signal modulation and transmission techniques in industrial networks and in instrumentation and measurement systems with telemetry.

Control Systems

LACI22018 - ECTS This curricular unit aims to introduce the fundamental tools and principles necessary for the analysis and design of control systems.


LACI22027 - ECTS Understand the importance of Economics at the micro and macro level. Know the main concepts of Economics.
Know how to define the object and the method of economics.
Understand the problem of scarcity of resources.
Understand consumer choices.
Understand the laws of supply and demand.
Understand the macroeconomic context of countries/regions. Know the evolution of the main indicators of the economic situation and the HDI.

Instrumentation II

LACI22019 - ECTS Learning and skills development in the following industrial instrumentation domains:
1. Principles of temperature, level and flow measurement. Applications of these measurement principles in the industrial area and identification of the advantages and disadvantages of different measurement solutions;
2. Functioning and main types of control valves and positioners: their characteristics, dimensioning and selection according to the applications.


LACI22017 - ECTS This course unit aims to provide students with the knowledge to carry out small projects on a microcontroller platform.

Probability and Statistics

LACI22016 - ECTS - Apply the concepts of random variable and its distribution;
- Solve problems involving models and probability distributions with discrete variables and with continuous variables;
- Understand the concept of random sample and solve problems involving sampling distributions;
- Characterize and apply estimators;
- Construct and interpret confidence intervals;
- Identify and apply the appropriate hypothesis test;
- Identify the relation between hypothesis testing and confidence intervals;
- Build and analyze a simple linear regression model.

Discrete Control

LACI31021 - ECTS This course introduces the fundamental concepts,
principles and application of digital control system analysis and design to the students.

Instrumentation and Measurement

LACI31023 - ECTS Certify students with the skills necessary for instrumentation and measures theme.

Industrial Project

LACI31022 - ECTS To certify students with the necessary skills to carry out an industrial project in the areas of instrumentation, automation and control.


LACI31025 - ECTS
Know the characteristics of industrial robots and their integration in robotic cells.
Have online and offline robot manipulator programming skills.
Know the calibration methodologies of tools and training bases

Instrumenttation Facilities Techonology

LACI31024 - ECTS It is intended that students consolidate the knowledge acquired throughout the course, from the various disciplines and scientific areas, through the handling and assembly of integrated chains of instrumentation, automation and control systems. Based on a set of equipment available students should develop, design and implement solutions typically used in industrial processes.

Traineeship / Project in Automation, Control and Instrumentation Engineering

LACI32030 - ECTS Promote the enrichment of the professional component and develop the students technical skills.
  • Facilitate the insertion of students in the job market.
  • Allow the student to develop a project in a real work context.
The student will have the opportunity to develop and apply specific methods in the fields of Automation, Control and Instrumentation Engineering, and/or to deepen learning and promote skills in an external organization.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

LACI32029 - ECTS
  • Know innovation processes and models, sources and obstacles and innovation diffusion processes.
  • Knowing the role of innovation in competitiveness and its impact on products and services
  • Understand the process of generating, modeling and developing new ideas
  • Carry out the diagnosis and feasibility study of a new company
  • Develop a business plan
  • Understand the process of creating companies and follow the evolution and development of a company.

Applied Metrology

LACI32031 - ECTS
Develop calibration procedures for measuring instruments. Apply calibration methods, select suitable standards, calculate uncertainty and express the measurement result.

Electric Drive Systems

LACI32026 - ECTS Provide students with the basic principles of operation of the main electrical machines used in an industrial environment, as well as applications of special electrical machines;

Knowledge of power semiconductors;

Study of the operation of different types of electronic power converters, used in the control of electrical machines;

Study of different control methods of variable speed electromechanical drives.

Computerised Supervision and Control

LACI32028 - ECTS
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