Electronics II
Áreas Científicas |
Classificação |
Área Científica |
Electrónica e Telecomunicações |
Ocorrência: 2021/2022 - 1S
Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos
Sigla |
Nº de Estudantes |
Plano de Estudos |
Anos Curriculares |
Créditos UCN |
Créditos ECTS |
Horas de Contacto |
Horas Totais |
50 |
Plano de Estudos |
2 |
- |
6 |
75 |
162 |
Docência - Responsabilidades
Língua de trabalho
This subject has as fundamental objectives to provide students with knowledge about Signals and Amplification, Operational Amplifiers (Ampops), Frequency response of circuits and Power Amplifiers.
Resultados de aprendizagem e competências
At the end of this Subject, the student should be able to:
Design and Implement Circuits with Operational Amplifiers (Ampops). Estimate the frequency response of circuits.
Design and Implement Power Amplifiers.Modo de trabalho
1. Introduction to Signals and Amplification
2. Operational Amplifiers (Ampop)
3. Circuits with Ampops
4. Introduction to Frequency Response
5. Power AmplifiersBibliografia Obrigatória
Jorge Manuel Martins; Slides de Apoio das Aulas Teóricas, ESTSetúbal/IPS, 2021
Jorge Manuel Martins; Enunciados dos Trabalhos de Laboratório, ESTSetúbal/IPS, 2021
Bibliografia Complementar
Adel Sedra e Kenneth Smith; Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780199339136
Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem
Theoretical-practical classes with exposure of the subject and resolution of exercises aimed at consolidating the acquired knowledge.
Laboratory classes, where practical work is carried out that allow experimentation of the subjects taught in theoretical classes. Students have to prepare reports of practical activities. Personalized feedback is given to improve the documents delivered.Tipo de avaliação
Distributed evaluation without final exam
Componentes de Avaliação
Designation |
Peso (%) |
Teste |
60,00 |
Trabalho laboratorial |
40,00 |
Total: |
100,00 |
Componentes de Ocupação
Designation |
Tempo (Horas) |
Frequência das aulas |
45,00 |
Trabalho laboratorial |
30,00 |
Estudo autónomo |
57,00 |
Trabalho escrito |
30,00 |
Total: |
162,00 |
Obtenção de frequência
The minimum grade in the Theoretical Exam or in the Average of 2 Tests is 7 (seven) values.
The minimum grade in the Laboratory Practical Activity Reports is 9.5 (nine point five) values. You may not deliver just one report, under penalty of failure in the laboratory component.
The delivery of the reports of the Practical Laboratory Activities must be made within 15 days after the class at the end of the work. Delay in delivering reports implies a penalty of 0.5 Values per day of delay, up to a maximum of 15 days.Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final
F𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 Grade = 60% Theoretical Exam or Average of 2 Tests + 40% Reports of Practical Laboratory Activities