Medical Devices II
Áreas Científicas |
Classificação |
Área Científica |
Solid Mechanics |
Industrial Organisation and Technology |
Ocorrência: 2023/2024 - 1S
Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos
Sigla |
Nº de Estudantes |
Plano de Estudos |
Anos Curriculares |
Créditos UCN |
Créditos ECTS |
Horas de Contacto |
Horas Totais |
54 |
Plano de Estudos |
3 |
- |
6 |
75 |
162 |
Docência - Responsabilidades
Língua de trabalho
Portuguese - Suitable for English-speaking students
To get acquainted with the different solutions available in the market for dental prostheses/implants, musculoskeletal system protheses/orthosis and other implants
To get acquainted with the computational and experimental methodologies for the development of such medical devices, along with the different possibilities for manufacturing materials and techniques
To determine the limitations and evolution potential of these medical devices
Resultados de aprendizagem e competências
To identify the most appropriate solution available in the market for patients in need of dental prostheses/implants, musculoskeletal system protheses/orthosis and other implants
To select the most appropriate computational and experimental methodologies for the development of such medical devices, as well as the manufacturing materials and techniques
To identify the limitations and evolution potential of these medical devices
Modo de trabalho
1. Development of medical devices
1.1. Techniques for design and test
1.2. Software as a medical device
1.3. Software for medical devices development
2. Prosthetics and orthotics
2.1 Classification of prostheses and orthotics
2.2 Comfort
2.3 Materials
2.4 Manufacturing methods
3. Dental implants and prostheses
3.1 Materials
3.2 Manufacturing methods
3.3 Degradation of dental implants
4. Implants in the musculoskeletal system
4.1 Materials
4.2 Manufacturing methods
4.3 Degradation of implants
Bibliografia Obrigatória
G. Tlusty; Manufacturing Process and Equipment, Ed. Prentice Hall Editors
Noort; Introduction to dental Materials, Elsevier
Lusardi and Nielsen ; Orthotic and prosthetics in rehabilitation, Elsevier
Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem
Continuous evaluation
Theoretical component (TP):
- 1 minitest (MT)
- 2 oral presentations (AP)
Pratical component (PL):
- 2 intermediate reports (RI)
- 1 hands-on project (PP)
Please note:
The 2 oral presentations, the 2 intermediate reports and the hands-on project shall be conducted as group work (2 or 3 students).
Evaluation in exam season:
- 1 written test (TE)
- 1 hands-on project (PP)
Please note:
In exams season (first/second), the written test will go beyond the contents included in the semester's minitest, by including the analysis a given medical device, in terms of its limitations and evolution potential. During this season, individual hands-on projects will be allowed. The oral presentation is mandatory.
Tipo de avaliação
Distributed evaluation without final exam
Componentes de Avaliação
Designation |
Peso (%) |
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico |
40,00 |
Trabalho laboratorial |
40,00 |
Teste |
20,00 |
Total: |
100,00 |
Componentes de Ocupação
Designation |
Tempo (Horas) |
Frequência das aulas |
75,00 |
Total: |
75,00 |
Obtenção de frequência
Continuous assessment in classroom context.
Minitest, presentations and discussions (theoretical component) + work reports and presentation of hands-on project (pratical component)
Minimum classification required for approval: 9.5 points
Every student will have the possibility to resit the written minitest in the first exams season - the best score will prevail
Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final
Continuous evaluation:
Final classification = 0.20*MT + 0.20*AP1 + 0.20*AP2 + 0.15*RI + 0.25*PP
Evaluation in exam season:
Final classification = 0.70*TE + 0.30*PP
Office hours:
André Castro - Mondays, 10:30-12:30 (Room E115)
Carlos Fortes - Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 (Lab C203)
Fridays, 9:30-10:30 (Lab C203)
The contents of this unit will be shared on the correspondent Moodle page.