Control and Remote Monitoring Project
Áreas Científicas |
Classificação |
Área Científica |
Electronics and automation |
Ocorrência: 2023/2024 - 3T
Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos
Sigla |
Nº de Estudantes |
Plano de Estudos |
Anos Curriculares |
Créditos UCN |
Créditos ECTS |
Horas de Contacto |
Horas Totais |
23 |
Plano de Estudos_2017_18 |
1 |
- |
8 |
- |
Docência - Responsabilidades
Língua de trabalho
Development of a Remote Control and Monitoring Project consisting of a microcontroller device, which performs local control and monitoring functions, and an application, developed in object-oriented programming language, which allows access to the information collected by the microcontrolled device and command it device remotely.
Resultados de aprendizagem e competências
Students must be able to:
- Develop a PC application in object-oriented language, which allows storing and accessing information collected by the microcontrolled device, as well as controlling it remotely.
- Design a microcontroller-based device that performs control and monitoring functions.
- Provide a microcontrolled device with communication capacity, through a wifi network, for interconnection with the application running on a PC.
- Design and implement a secure communication system (using data encryption) between a microcontrolled device and the PC.
Modo de trabalho
Development of a Remote Control and Monitoring Project consisting of a microcontroller device, which performs local control and monitoring functions, and an application, developed in object-oriented programming language, which allows access to the information collected by the microcontrolled device and command it device remotely.
The system to be implemented must use wireless communication technology and mechanisms that allow information security.
Bibliografia Obrigatória
;; ;
Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem
Project Based Learning (PBL: Project Based Learning).
Guidance of students in the autonomous development of the project in teams throughout the course.
Use of Agile methodology in project development.
Tipo de avaliação
Distributed evaluation with final exam
Componentes de Avaliação
Designation |
Peso (%) |
Trabalho laboratorial |
45,00 |
Defesa pública de dissertação, de relatório de projeto ou estágio, ou de tese |
30,00 |
Participação presencial |
15,00 |
Trabalho escrito |
10,00 |
Total: |
100,00 |
Componentes de Ocupação
Designation |
Tempo (Horas) |
Elaboração de projeto |
60,00 |
Frequência das aulas |
80,00 |
Trabalho laboratorial |
46,00 |
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese |
30,00 |
Total: |
216,00 |
Obtenção de frequência
Approval in the course implies the mandatory delivery of reports (progress and evaluation), presentation of the functional project and approval as a whole (presentation + project + evaluation reports).
Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final
10% - Presentation of the initial project idea and definition of requirements
10% - Solution analysis and design report
10% - Final Report
10% - Final Presentation
40% - Implementation of the integrated solution
10% - Weekly Progress Reports (with project planning evolution)
10% -Participation/performance in the coordination and development of the project (with individual presentation of the tasks performed) evaluated throughout the project.
The ESTSetúbal/IPS attendance regulation is applied.
Students who cannot attend classes must indicate this by email to the person responsible for the Curricular Unit.