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Aeronautical Technology II

Code: PA08     Sigla: TAII

Áreas Científicas
Classificação Área Científica
CNAEF Construction and repair of motor vehicles

Ocorrência: 2023/2024 - 2S

Ativa? Yes
Unidade Responsável: Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica
Curso/CE Responsável: Professional Technical Higher Education Courses in Aeronautics Production

Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos

Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Anos Curriculares Créditos UCN Créditos ECTS Horas de Contacto Horas Totais
GAIR 1 Plano de Estudos 2016_17 1 - 6 60 162
TSPPA 26 Plano de Estudos 2015_16 1 - 6 60 162

Docência - Responsabilidades

Docente Responsabilidade
Rui Pedro Cardoso Batista Ferreira

Docência - Horas

Theorethical and Practical : 4,00
Type Docente Turmas Horas
Theorethical and Practical Totais 2 8,00
José Filipe Castanheira Pereira Antunes Simões 2,00
Rui Pedro Cardoso Batista Ferreira 4,00

Língua de trabalho



The aim of this Curricular Unit is for students to deepen their theoretical and practical knowledge in the areas of cutting processes (by breaking in, by pulling the chip and by abrasive action), plastic deformation, mechanical treatments and non-destructive testing (NDT).

Resultados de aprendizagem e competências

At the end of the Curricular Unit, students should be able to:

• Knowing how the aforementioned processes work.
• Identify the different types of operations performed through these processes.
• Know how to identify the specific conditions in these same technologies.
• Know methodologies for selection of tools and work parameters of these processes.
• Knowing how to identify and know the advantages and disadvantages of different processes.
• Describe the most relevant phenomena involved in the operating principles of each of the processes.

Modo de trabalho



Module 1 – Chip pulling cutting processes.
Module 2 – Abrasive cutting processes.
Module 3 – Break-in cutting processes.
Module 4 – Processes of plastic deformation.
Module 5 – Mechanical treatments.
Module 6 – Inspection and testing techniques.
Module 7 – Non-destructive testing (NDT).

Bibliografia Obrigatória

A. Completo; A. Festas; J. Paulo Davim;; Tecnologia de Fabrico, Publindústria, 2009. ISBN: 978-972-8953-31-7
J. Paulo Davim; Princípios da maquinagem, Publindústria, 2008. ISBN: 978-972-8480-27-1
Jorge Rodrigues; Paulo Martins; Tecnologia Mecânica - Tecnologia da Deformação Plástica (Vol. I - Fundamentos Teóricos), Escolar Editora, 2010. ISBN: 978-972-592-279-8
Jorge Rodrigues; Paulo Martins; Tecnologia Mecânica - Tecnologia da Deformação Plástica (Vol. II - Aplicações Industriais), Escolar Editora, 2010. ISBN: 978-972-592-280-4
Valentino Cristino; Paulo Martins;; Tecnologia Mecânica - Tecnologias da deformação plástica e corte (Vol. IV - Técnicas de laboratório), Escolar Editora, 2013. ISBN: 978-972-592-392-4
Bárbara Gouveia; Jorge Rodrigues; Paulo Martins; Tecnologia Mecânica - Tecnologia da Deformação Plástica (Vol. III - Exercícios resolvidos), Escolar Editora, 2011. ISBN: 9789725923214

Bibliografia Complementar

Pedro Guedes; Metrologia industrial, Grupo Lidel, 2011. ISBN: 978-972-8480-27-1

Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem

The classes will be given in the classroom, and the respective presentation will be made available prior to the class.
After the theoretical exposition of the subject, this is illustrated through examples of application and resolution of exercises.
Laboratory classes are also taught for practical interaction between students and the processes taught in theoretical classes.
Weekly planning, as well as all teaching materials are available on the Moodle e-learning platform page

Tipo de avaliação

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Componentes de Avaliação

Designation Peso (%)
Teste 50,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Trabalho laboratorial 30,00
Total: 100,00

Componentes de Ocupação

Designation Tempo (Horas)
Frequência das aulas 60,00
Trabalho de investigação 51,00
Trabalho laboratorial 51,00
Total: 162,00

Obtenção de frequência

1. Obtaining an Assessment Frequency through 2 Tests (50%), a Research Work (20%), and 7 Laboratory Works (30%).

NOTE 1: The minimum score in each of the two tests is 10 points. The recovery of each of the tests can be carried out during the Exam Period.

NOTE 2: Non-compliance with the delivery dates for laboratory assignments will result in a penalty of 5% of the grade for each day of delay.

2. Final Classification Calculation
The calculation of the final classification will be carried out according to the previously mentioned criteria and weights.
Students who obtain a Final Classification higher than 17 will be subject to an oral test to assess their knowledge. If the student is not interested in defending his grade, he will be given a final grade of 17 points.

Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

Theoretical-practical assessment (with a minimum score of 10 points), through 2 tests (50%), 7 laboratory work reports (30%) and research work (20%).
The minimum grade in each of the two tests is 10 points. The recovery of each of the tests can be carried out during the Exam Period.
Laboratory evaluation (with a minimum average grade of 10 values): 7 Laboratory Works.
In order to pass the laboratory component, students will have to ensure the delivery of all laboratory work and a minimum attendance of 80 percent.
In laboratory classes, a continuous assessment is carried out for students present and not present.

IMPORTANT: Failure to meet delivery dates will result in a penalty of 5% of the bill for each day of delay.

Final classification=Theoretical-practical (50%) + Laboratory (30%) + research work (20%)

Students who obtain a Final Classification of more than 17 will be subject to an oral test to assess their knowledge. In case the student is not interested in defending his grade, he will be given a final grade of 17 points.

Final exam (50%) - Minimum grade of 10 out of 10 Laboratory evaluation (with a minimum average grade of 10 out of 10): 7 Laboratory assignments.
In order to pass the laboratory component, students will have to ensure the delivery of all laboratory work and a minimum attendance of 80 percent.
In laboratory classes, a continuous assessment is carried out for students present and not present.

IMPORTANT: Failure to meet delivery dates will result in a penalty of 5% of the bill for each day of delay.

Final Classification=Final exam (50%) + Laboratory (50%)

Students who obtain a Final Classification of more than 17 will be subject to an oral test to assess their knowledge. In case the student is not interested in defending his grade, he will be assigned a final grade of 17 values
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