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Web Services Programming

Code: PWDAM21     Sigla: PSW

Áreas Científicas
Classificação Área Científica
CNAEF Informatics Sciences

Ocorrência: 2023/2024 - 1S

Ativa? Yes
Página Web:
Unidade Responsável: Departamento de Sistemas e Informática
Curso/CE Responsável: Professional Technical Higher Education Courses in Applications, Mobil Devices and Web Programming

Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos

Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Anos Curriculares Créditos UCN Créditos ECTS Horas de Contacto Horas Totais
TSPCDA 11 Plano de Estudos_2017_18 2 - 3 -

Docência - Responsabilidades

Docente Responsabilidade
Nuno Miguel Vicente de Pina Gonçalves

Docência - Horas

Theorethical and Practical : 2,00
Type Docente Turmas Horas
Theorethical and Practical Totais 1 2,00
André Miguel Namorado Canhoto Antunes 2,00

Língua de trabalho



It is intended with this curricular unit that students acquire a vision of the means available for the development of client-server applications that use the Internet as an integrating element, mainly the protocols, and tools associated with the fundamentals of web services programming.

Resultados de aprendizagem e competências

Obtain skills in the development of client-server applications.
Fundamental concepts of protocols and communications in data networks, communication architectures and the client-server model, and development paradigms.
Server deployment using Node.JS and the Express framework and server programming including database access and API implementation.
Development of asynchronous applications.

Modo de trabalho


Pré-requisitos (conhecimentos prévios) e co-requisitos (conhecimentos simultâneos)



1. Fundamental Concepts
    • Protocols and communications in data networks
    • Communication architectures and the client-server model
    • Development paradigms
 2. Server implementation
    • Node.JS environment
    • Express Framework
    • Use of Templates
 3. Programming on the server
    • Access to databases
    • Notions of web services
    • Application examples
 4. Development of asynchronous applications

Bibliografia Obrigatória

André Antunes et al.; Slides da UC PSW, 2023 (Provided by the teacher)

Bibliografia Complementar

Manuel Kiessling; The Node Beginner Book, Leanpub, 2015. ISBN: 978-147-162-844-3 (
Nicholas C. Zakas; Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, Wrox, 2012. ISBN: 978-1-118-02669-4
Alex Banks e Eve Porcello; Learning React, O'Reilly, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-491-95455-3
Luís Abreu; HTML 5, FCA. ISBN: 978-972-722-739-6
Luís Abreu e João Paulo Carreiro; JavaScript, FCA, 2014. ISBN: 978-972-722-785-3
Douglas Crockford; JavaScript: The Good Parts, O’Reilly. ISBN: 978-0-596-51774-8
Ilya Grigorik; High-Performance Browser Networking, O’Reilly, 2013

Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem

Theoretical classes: 2 hours per week with exposition of theoretical concepts
Practical classes: 2 hours per week with practical examples and execution of laboratory work (evaluated).
Project: Groups of 4/5 people and with follow-up in Theoretical and Practical classes at the end of the semester.


Visual Studio Code

Tipo de avaliação

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Componentes de Avaliação

Designation Peso (%)
Teste 40,00
Trabalho de campo 50,00
Trabalho laboratorial 10,00
Total: 100,00

Componentes de Ocupação

Designation Tempo (Horas)
Frequência das aulas 30,00
Elaboração de projeto 15,00
Estudo autónomo 32,00
Trabalho laboratorial 4,00
Total: 81,00

Obtenção de frequência

Theoretical component >= 9.5
Project >= 9.5

Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

Continuous assessment: Test (40%) + Project (50%) + Laboratories (10%)
Exams: Exam (50%) + Project (50%)

Provas e trabalhos especiais

The holding of tests in a special period for final year students, working students and association leaders, is subject to registration at the Academic Services as per current regulations. The eventual holding of a special period exam only contributes to the theoretical component of the assessment. Students interested in carrying out the practical assessment at this time will have to inform the responsible teacher of their intention until the last day of classes to define the schedule and establish the project's statement.

Avaliação especial (TE, DA, ...)

Working Students, High Competition Athletes, Associative Managers and Students under the Law of Religious Freedom must contact the person responsible for the UC, during the first fortnight of classes, to present their relevant specificities, as provided for in the respective legal diplomas.

Melhoria de classificação

Taking exams for improvement purposes is subject to registration at the Academic Services in accordance to current regulations. The improvement of the grade focuses only on the theoretical component of the assessment.


Based on the Regulamento de Avaliação do Aproveitamento dos Estudantes da ESTSetúbal/IPS, the Pedagogical Council decided that, in order to carry out a course in continuous assessment, the student must be present in a minimum percentage of 75% of classes (by type). Failure to comply with this rule excludes the student from continuous assessment, applying the rules and deadlines established in this course sheet.
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