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Mestrado em Conservação e Reabilitação do Edificado

Dados Gerais

Código Oficial: M704
Sigla: MCRE


  • Master in Building Conservation and Rehabilitation (60 Créditos ECTS)
  • Master in Building Conservation and Rehabilitation (90 Créditos ECTS)

Unidades Curriculares

Structural Safety Evaluation of Buildings

MCRE137 - ECTS It is intended to initiate students on the basis of structural analysis of buildings, with the identification of existing actions and definition of actions to be taken in the design. In addition, an introduction to the dynamics of structures and seismic engineering is made, in order to lbe able to estimate the seismic action to be considered in the building. It is intended that, in the analysis of an existing structure, students will be able to define methodologies and calculation models to be used in the verification of its safety.

Science, Technology and Degradation of Materials

MCRE135 - ECTS Provide technical-scientific knowledge in the field of building materials, namely natural stone, cement and additives, mortars, concrete, ceramics, woods, metals, polymers, composites and new construction materials, through the analysis of raw materials, processing, properties and their evaluation, mechanisms of deterioration, applications and normalization applied. Special attention will be given to materials used in conservation and rehabilitation operations and compatibility between materials. Provide students with knowledge and skills related to the experimental / laboratory activity.

Conservation and Rehabilitation I

MCRE043 - ECTS Students should acquire basic knowledge in the domain of the conservation and rehabilitation of old buildings (i.e. before the advent of reinforced concrete), in order to enable them to: identify and describe the materials and the construction processes of old constructions, identify the damages and enumerate the probable causes of degradation, describe the different deterioration mechanisms, define the methodology of tests and inspections and analysis of an old structure, define the objectives of a rehabilitation intervention, select the appropriate rehabilitation techniques and specify the properties of the products and systems to be applied, regarding the requirements of the habitation rehabilitation, the principles for the analysis, conservation and structural restoration of old buildings and architectural heritage and the International Charters and Resolutions.

Sustainable Construction and Technological Innovation


Discuss the environmental impact of construction, especially the building sector, listing the main adverse factors on the environment and measures of sustainable construction with special emphasis on building systems and unconventional materials, processes and innovative systems.

The student should be able to:

-implement practices of technological innovation in real examples;

-implement sustainable practices in the design, implementation, maintenance and demolition of buildings.

Specific competences:

- transmit information and ideas equating problems;

- ensure the quality of projects in technological, economic, social and environmental areas;

- formulate alternative solutions and / or innovative;

 - Prepare proposals coherent and consistent

Heritage Building Survey Techniques

MCRE136 - ECTS The student must take knowledge of different survey techniques of built heritage, namely to be able to use topographic equipment for both architectural survey as for support for topographic monitoring, photogrammetry techniques, namely Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) ), and still be aware of other techniques such as 3D laser scanning technology.
It is also intended that the student obtain knowledge of the application of the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology for conservation and rehabilitation projects of the built heritage.

Preventive Maintenance and Maintenance

MCRE133 - ECTS Notion of lifetime of different equipment and parts of a building. Quantification/estimate in view of risk management with regard to building maintenance. Methods of performance assessment of structural and non-structural parts of buildings: Observation and analysis. Sporadic Maintenance. Strategic Maintenance. Planning and strategies of maintenance intervention. Notion of approach that fit the existing standards and regulations. Project revision stage: Durability / Maintenance. Practical case.

Conservation and Rehabilitation II


Concerning reinforced concrete and steel structures, knowing thoroughly the properties of materials and corresponding deterioration mechanisms under external and internal actions. To have basic knowledge as regards the assessment of structures with the results of inspections. To know how to interpret inspection reports in order to allow identifying anomalies and their possible causes. To know thoroughly the relevant rehabilitation techniques used currently taking into account the materials, systems and methods. To implement o acquired knowledge to a practical case of rehabilitation project – RC or steel – identifying associated problems considering, with critical approach, several hypothetical solutions and/or an assembly of these. Introduction to the maintenance of structures

Policies and Incentives for Urban Rehabilitation and Regeneration

MCRE138 - ECTS The curricular unit of Policies and Incentives for Urban Rehabilitation and Regeneration aims to study urban interventions aimed at improving the quality of life of the population on one given territory. Stimulating critical thinking about the existing urban space, encouraging the student in knowledge about the potential of the current instruments of planning and rehabilitation. Starting the studants in analytical and projective activity in the scope of rehabilitation and urban regeneration.

The aim of the study is to provide students with scientific principles and theories that will help promote integrated rehabilitation and regeneration interventions in urban areas, including building and public space, with a view to requalifying and revitalizing the urban fabric, giving quality standards to the "places"  adapting them to the contemporary needs of society.

Thermal and Acoustic Rehabilitation of Buildings

MCRE005 - ECTS This course aims to introduce students in the activity of thermal and acoustics buildings’ design for new buildings or existing buildings subject to retrofitting. Principles and design of natural ventilation are also introduced for residential buildings. It is an introduction to professional practices in these areas, enabling students to analyze and devise appropriate solutions to each type of intervention: new construction or rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation Techniques for Old Structures

MCRE139 - ECTS To learn techniques of repairing old structures, with an introduction to techniques of reinforcement of old structures of masonry and wood. Introduction to simplified methods of analysis of the structural capacity of structures and evaluation of the need for structural rehabilitation. To acquire knowledge related to rehabilitation and reinforcement techniques

Internship / Project / Dissertation

In the Internship/Project/Dissertation Curricular Unit, the 
student can choose to develop a professional internship work,
a research project or a conventional scientific dissertation.
In any of the modalities, you must present an original work,
developed specifically for this UC, where you present the
work developed. The objectives of this curricular unit are:
- To acquire skills in terms of research methods in the areas
of conservation and rehabilitation of buildings, paying particular
attention to sustainability and energy efficiency; - Acquire the
ability to integrate knowledge, deal with complex issues, develop
solutions or issue judgments in situations of limited or incomplete
information, including reflections on the ethical and social
implications and responsibilities that result from these solutions
and judgments; - Be able to communicate their conclusions, knowledge
and reasoning behind them, in a clear and unambiguous way.
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