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Professional Technical Higher Education Courses in Smart Grids and Home Automation

Dados Gerais

Código Oficial: T428
Sigla: REID


  • Professional Technical Higher Education Courses in Smart Grids and Home Automation (120 Créditos ECTS)

Unidades Curriculares

Electrotechnics I


This course aims to provide students with a solid, rigorous, coherent, and scientifically grounded competence in the science base of electrical engineering.
Promote a critical and creative spirit, allowing students to follow the subjects of later curricular units.
Provide training in the analysis of linear electrical circuits, in order to be able to apply the basic laws of the theory of electricity to direct current circuits.
Theoretical-practical teaching is complemented with laboratory work.

Electrical Diagrams and Equipments

REID04 - ECTS - Understand the importance of standardization and symbols in electrical circuits.
- Understand and apply the fundamental concepts of electrical lighting and socket installations.
- Understand and apply the fundamental concepts of an electrical panel and electrical circuit protection equipment.
- Understand and apply the concepts of signaling circuits, know how to analyze the main types of signaling and control circuits.
- Know the main concepts of driving force circuits. Interpret and analyze various types of starting of three-phase induction motors.
- Have basic knowledge of a computer-aided design program for implementing the aforementioned schemes on a computer.

Fundamentals of Calculus

REID20 - ECTS The general objective of this course unit is to provide students with the basic mathematical knowledge required in the professional training of a top professional technician.

Business Management and Organisational Behaviour


Students should develop skills in the field of business management, organizational behaviour, leadership, and team management.

Technical English

General objective

The objective is to develop students’ knowledge of English in several areas, such as reading comprehension, writing, correct use of technical terms, grammar, fluency and personal interaction. Students will be acquainted with concepts and procedures used in the workplace, and will be able to apply technical language to specific contexts.

Introduction to Smart Grids and Home Automation

  • The course aims to achieve the following competences:
    •  Learning the basic functions of the Portuguese electricity system;
    • Learn what smart grids are and how they differ from traditional LV grids;
    •  Develop the ability to work independently and as part of a group;
    • Develop skills in time management, teamwork, project

Mathematical Applications B

REID21 - ECTS The general objective of this course unit is to provide students with the complementary basic mathematical knowledge to the one acquired under the previous course unit Fundamentals of Calculus.


REID11 - ECTS The main objectives of this course unit are to provide students with knowledge of:
  •     Junction Diodes
  •     Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)
  •     Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET)

Electrotechnics II

REID07 - ECTS This course aims to provide basic training in the area of analysis of alternating current electrical circuits. It also provides students with sufficient skills to formulate methodologies for analyzing alternating current circuits, solve operating equations in the time and frequency domains, determine the corresponding electric voltages and currents, and analyze three-phase systems. The theoretical-practical teaching is complemented by laboratory work.

Instrumentation and Measurement


Provide students with skills to:
1) have basic knowledge of metrology, namely the concepts of accuracy, sensitivity, resolution and uncertainty, and their application in the areas of instrumentation and measurement;
2) use analogue and digital measuring instruments and understand their working principles;
3) identify the main characteristics and limitations of measurement instruments;
4) know the working principle of measurement transducers and have the ability to design electrical measurement circuits for industrial quantities;
5) have basic knowledge of LabView that allows development of SW application to solve real problems in the scope of the IM discipline and the course. Develop simulation skills.



REID08 - ECTS Provide as bases and practices of electrical lighting in order to enable that there is no mastery of the equipment they acquire, lighting design and ways of managing a lighting installation, taking into account the electrical energy and the creation of an installation.

Rational Usage of Electrical Energy

REID12 - ECTS This UC aims to familiarize the student with the principles of rational use of electricity. These principles, identified as an opportunity to rationalize consumption, will be evaluated in financial terms, taking into account the tariff for the sale of electricity to final consumers.

Power Converters

REID13 - ECTS 1. Identify and characterize the various power semiconductors.
2. Study of operation of various types of electronic power converters.
3. Study of the effects on the electric power grid (and loads) of the functioning of power electronic converters.

Home Automation

REID17 - ECTS The Domotics is a discipline in the field of engineering sciences. In this course a set of techniques and systems are studied that allow the automation of various installations in a residential, commercial or industrial building.

Renewable Energies and Storage

REID16 - ECTS Goals
Identify the main sources of renewable energy and understand the operation of the technologies used in the use of renewable energy.
Characterize the Portuguese energy landscape.
Know various energy conversion and storage processes.

Fundamentals of Energy Conversion in Electrical Machines

REID14 - ECTS This curricular

Smart Grids Installations

REID15 - ECTS This curricular unit prepares students to integrate knowledge of residential electrical installations with knowledge of home automation electrical installations, applying safety standards, regulations and techniques for the respective installations.

Smart Grids

REID18 - ECTS Acquisition of concepts associated with intelligent electrical distribution networks, characterizing an intelligent electrical network, discussing the technologies used in intelligent electrical networks, identifying the functions and requirements associated with intelligent electrical networks, identifying new business opportunities created based on the characteristics and resources technologies inherent to smart electrical grids.

Internship in Smart Grids and Home Automation

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