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Engenharia e Gestão da Produção e Instalações de Aquacultura

Dados Gerais

Código Oficial: 5022
Sigla: EGPIA1S

Unidades Curriculares

Engenharia e Gestão da Produção e Instalações de Aquacultura

5022 - ECTS


  1. To know the different types of aquaculture facilities and production methods.
  2. To know and select the most suitable production structures for cultivation.
  3. To know how to size fish, crustacean and mollusc production facilities.
  4. To know how to prepare management, maintenance and operation plans for facilities.
  5. To know about batch management and traceability;
  6. To know how to monitoring the growth and evaluate potential production losses.
  7. To know how to adapt systems to large-scale cultivation.
  8. To acquire the necessary knowledge to organize production, ensuring its viability.
  9. To organize and synthesize technical information.
  10. To be involved and work with multidisciplinary teams.
  11. To have the ability to present innovative ideas that allow you to work autonomously.
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