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Licenciatura em Tecnologia Biomédica

Dados Gerais

Código Oficial: L069
Sigla: LTB


  • Licenciatura em Tecnologia Biomédica (180 Créditos ECTS)

Unidades Curriculares

Human Anatomy and Physiology

LTB11001 - ECTS

Mathematics I

LTB11003 - ECTS
The aim of the Mathematics I curricular unit is to provide students the basic mathematical knowledge referred to in the syllabus of the curricular unit and necessary for their training as Higher Technicians or Engineers.


LTB11004 - ECTS The student should be able to understand and apply the fundamental laws of newtonian mechanics; apply a specific methodology for problem solving; perform experiments and analyse the results obtained and identify deviations from expected results critically.


LTB11005 - ECTS

The student will obtain knowledge, skills and proficiency in:


  • To learn the conceptual foundations for developing and coding of algorithms in programming languages;
  • To develop computer applications in high-level languages;
  • Practical application of the course contents in real problems, using the procedural and imperative programming paradigm, and also the object-oriented programming paradigm;
  • To develop logical and formal reasoning skills for solving complex problems.


LTB11006 - ECTS This course aims to develop a broad overview on the chemistry fundaments, as a part of the basic scientific training of the students, essential for monitoring future courses (such as Materials or Biochemistry). It also aims to increase students' ability to work autonomously.


LTB12001 - ECTS To understand and explain the kinematics of human movement using specific terminology.

To identify biomechanical models and to understand the importance of anthropometry for its application, by applying and calculating anthropometric parameters.

To understand the unique features in modelling the biomechanical properties of the Human joints, bones and musculoskeletal system.

To be able to acquire and analyse kinematic, kinetic and electromyography data.

To be able to employ different solutions to describe Human movement.

To understand the behaviour of the materials that compose the Human body.

To understand biomechanical models as tools for diagnostic, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, physical exercise, ergonomy or as an aid to the design of equipment to support human mobility.


LTB12002 - ECTS . Provide knowledge regarding the structure / function of biomolecules
. Provide knowledge regarding enzymatic kinetics and regulation of cellular metabolism
. Develop basic laboratory practices for the analysis of biomolecules
. To develop laboratory practices related to analytical techniques and quantitative / qualitative tests in biochemical analysis


LTB12003 - ECTS

Learning objectives (knowledge, skills and competencies to be developed by students)

At the CU of Electrotechnics, a basic discipline in the field of engineering sciences, it is intended that students acquire fundamental competencies in the field of Electrical Engineering, namely that allow understanding of the phenomena electromagnetic in nature and that allows the analysis of electrical circuits in direct and alternating current. It is also intended that students are in possession of instruments (base knowledge and bibliographic guidelines) that enable the eventual continuation and deepening of studies.
In structuring the UC, and in order to achieve the objectives, we seek to complement the theoretical knowledge, including carrying out research work, problem-solving and laboratory practice.

Mathematics II

LTB12004 - ECTS

The objective of curricular unit (UC) is to provide students with basic knowledge of linear algebra and skills to deal with the mechanisms of differential calculus in scalar and vector fields, mathematical tools of great importance in the professional training of a higher technician or engineer.


LTB12005 - ECTS

Promoting knowledge of different types of materials used in mechanical engineering: metals, polymers, ceramics and composites and the relationship between their properties, structure, process and service performance. Recognizing the need for design with new materials.

Databases and Information Analysis

LTB21001 - ECTS The curricular unit aims to provide students with the following knowledge:
- concepts of information systems analysis; - explore the potential of a RDBMS;
- representation of information in XML
- storage of high volumes of data

Cellular and Molecular Biology

LTB21002 - ECTS

Medical Product Development

LTB21003 - ECTS

Product Development
Develop skills in the area of ​​medical product development. Know and apply structured development methods and generate concepts for new medical products.
Computer Aided Engineering
Know and select integrated systems for modeling and production of medical devices.

Analog Electronics

LTB21004 - ECTS Enumerate the concept of semiconductor material;
Classify the different materials according to their electrical conductivity in conductors, semiconductors and doores;
Point out the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor material;
Understand the driving process in the various diodes (rectifier, light emitter and Zener);
Understand the avalanche process in zener diode;
Question and interpret driving states in the rectifier diode, light-emitting diode, and Zener diode;
Understand the difference between conventional sense and real sense of an electric current;
Know the symbology associated with different diodes;
Analyze circuits with rectifier diodes, LED and Zener;
Apply the different driving models associated with diodes;
Understand the constitution of the bipolar junction transistor (TBJ)/Metal oxide Semiconductor (MOSFET);
Identify the symbology of TBJ/MOSFET;
Distinguish NPN transistor from PNP;
Distinguish MOSFET transistor from Channel N from P-channel;
Understand the operation of mosfet enrichment and depletion;
Identify and analyze MOSFET models for the various modes of operation;
Understand the driving process in TBJ/MOSFET;
Identify and understand the modes of operation of TBJ/MOSFET;
Identify the main assemblies of a transistor (TBJ/MOSFET) and its polarization meshes;
Evaluate the transistors (TBJ/MOSFET) as a switch/amplifier element;
Identify, understand and interpret the main characteristic curves of TBJ/MOSFET;
Evaluate the resting point of tbj/MOSFET;
Understand the effect of temperature compensation on the common emitting assembly;
Identify and understand the function of coupling and bypass capacitors;
Design polarization meshes in the common emitter/common font configuration;
Analyze low complexity electronic circuits;
Simulate low-complexity electronic circuits;
Assemble, test and experiment with low-complexity electronic circuits;

Applied Statistics for Health

LTB21005 - ECTS

- Describe and apply techniques for summarizing a data set

- Build and analyze a simple linear regression model

- Solve problems involving models and probability distributions with discrete variables and with continuous variables

- Characterize and apply estimators

- Construct and interpret confidence intervals

- Identify and apply the appropriate parametric hypotheses test

- Identify and apply the appropriate nonparametric hypotheses test



LTB22001 - ECTS Knowing the effect of biomaterials upon the living organism and of living organism upon biomaterials
Knowing the various existing biomaterials in the market
Relate structure/properties/application
Knowing the various surface treatments and coatings available in order to increase the biocompatibility of
Identify the limitations of biomaterials

Medical Devices I

LTB22002 - ECTS

It aims the instruction of the students in the various types of medical devices. It introduces the medical devices as a way to diagnose, prevent and treat. Uses concepts that will allow the development of future aplications.

Electronic Acquisition for Medical Signal Processing

LTB22003 - ECTS To analyze the operation of simple and differential amplifiers.
To analyze how Analog Filters work.
To analyze the operation of the Analog/Digital and Digital/Analog Converters, and know-how to quantify and criticize the error in the conversion.
To analyze medical signal acquisition systems.

Health Care Equipments

LTB22004 - ECTS Know how to explain the operating principles of health equipment, namely the role of each electronic circuit included in this equipment. Know the requirements in terms of safety that are associated whenever it is intended to develop equipment for the health area. Know the interfaces of medical equipment with external devices. Understand the communication protocols of medical equipment.


LTB22005 - ECTS To understand and implement distributed web-based systems in the telemedicine field.

Organizational Behavior and Team Management

LTB31006 - ECTS

Students should develop skills in behavioral analysis, leadership and team management in an organizational context.


Medical Devices II

LTB31001 - ECTS Knowing the various existing solutions in the market for dental prostheses and dental implants and the system
musculoskeletal and orthotics
Knowing the various materials used in the manufacture of dental prostheses and dental implants and the system
musculoskeletal and orthotics
Knowing the manufacturing techniques of dental prostheses and dental implants and the musculoskeletal system and
Identifying the limitations of these medical devices


LTB31003 - ECTS This curricular unit has the goal of introducing the students to the different methods in imagiology.
It focuses on the fundamental basis, technologies and clinical applications until the retrieving of the biological/medical image. Latest developments in imaging applied to biomedical technology will also be attended during this unit.

Introduction to Business Management

LTB31007 - ECTS

To understand the role, impact and interaction of organizations and companies with their surroundings, as well as their internal functioning in a functional and systemic perspective.

Nanotechnologies in Biomedical

LTB31004 - ECTS Knowledge of matter at the nanoscale (1-100 nm), recognizing that at this scale unique physical, chemical and
biological phenomena occur, which can be manipulated and exploited in remarkable ways.
Knowledge in nanotechnology and applications, with emphasis on the possibilities for biomedical applications.
Knowledge about nananomateriais, nanosystems and nanodevices
Knowledge about the interaction and behaviour of nananomateriais, nanosystems and nanodevices in biological
Knowledge of advanced techniques for the characterization of nanomaterials.

Medical Signal Processing

LTB31005 - ECTS The curriculum unit of Medical Signal Processing studies the characterization of discrete signals and systems, both in the temporal domain and in the spectral domain as well their importance in the time-frequency analysis systems (spectrogram).

Genetic and Genotoxicity

LTB31002 - ECTS Learning outcomes include the acquisition of skills in human genetics and notions of
genetic toxicology.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

LTB32001 - ECTS
  • Understand processes and innovation models, sources and threats, and how innovation spreads;
  • Explain the role of innovation on competitiveness and its impact on products and services;
  • Understand the process of creation and development of new ideas;
  • Diagnose and conduct feasibility studies to create a new company; Develop a business plan;
  • Understand the process of enterprise /company creation and monitor the progress and development of a company.

Medical Images Processing

LTB32002 - ECTS It aims to provide students of specific knowledge in areas that allow the analysis and the development of a digital medical image processing system. It introduces concepts and methods of digital image processing to enable the development of applications. Use appropriate tools to digital image processing, particularly the Matlab and specific toolbox. Identify and solve specific problems of medical imaging.

Project / Internship in Biomedical Technology

LTB32004 - ECTS Make students face technology problems in the biomedical area; Enhance the capacity of analysis and synthesis, allowing to integrate technical and scientific knowledge acquired in various subjects of the course; Develop oral and written expression capabilities through the execution of written reports and oral presentations; Develop a critical sense and strengthen their self-confidence, autonomy, planning capabilities, preparation of teamwork and interpersonal relationships; Knowing how to promote to potentially interested parties the work result.
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