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Energy Audits and Energy Management

Code: LTE32128     Sigla: AGE

Áreas Científicas
Classificação Área Científica
OFICIAL Termodinâmca Aplicada
OFICIAL Electric Power Systems

Ocorrência: 2023/2024 - 2S

Ativa? Yes
Unidade Responsável: Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica
Curso/CE Responsável:

Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos

Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Anos Curriculares Créditos UCN Créditos ECTS Horas de Contacto Horas Totais
LTE 33 Plano de Estudos 3 - 6 60 162

Docência - Responsabilidades

Docente Responsabilidade
Rogério José da Silva Correia Duarte
Rogério José da Silva Correia Duarte

Docência - Horas

Theorethical and Practical : 4,00
Type Docente Turmas Horas
Theorethical and Practical Totais 1 4,00
Rogério José da Silva Correia Duarte 2,00
Fernando Manuel Fontinha Camilo 2,00
Mais informaçõesA ficha foi alterada no dia 2024-07-09.

Campos alterados: Observações, Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação, Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem

Língua de trabalho

Obs.: Português


It is intended that the student obtains knowledge about the various stages of an energy audit, design and analyze the technical and economic feasibility of energy improvement measures and establish an Energy Rationalization Plan.

Resultados de aprendizagem e competências

- Monitor the performance of energy audits, both electrical and thermal;
- carry out technical and economic feasibility studies of energy improvement solutions, both in terms of the thermal and electrical aspects;
- Establish consumption rationalization plans

Modo de trabalho



1. Energy Saving. Energy Audit Methodology. Objective. Energy Efficiency and Reference Consumptions. Levels of Effort in Auditing. Phases of an Energy Audit. Energy Rationalization Plan. Energy Audit Report.
2. Measuring Energy Consumption. Measurement of electrical quantities and thermal quantities. Measurement of energy efficiency of equipment.
3. Energy management concepts in buildings and industry. Reference to applicable legislation in Portugal.

Bibliografia Obrigatória

Rogério Duarte; Gestão de Energia e Auditorias Energéticas, 2022
ASHRAE; Procedures for Commercial Building Energy Audits, , ASHRAE, Second Edition,
Albert Thumann and Willian J. Younger; Handbook of Energy Audits, 7ª Edition, , The Fairmont Press, 2008
André Fernando Ribeiro Sá, ; Guia de Aplicações de Gestão de Energia e Eficiência Energética, 2ª edição, , Publindustria, 2010
ERSE; Regulamento tarifário de energia elétrica , ERSE, 2021

Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem

The teaching methodology will focus on a presentation of the syllabus that will be carried out in the classroom, followed by an autonomous work of the students based on research to deepen the themes, solve problems and carry out small projects and also some laboratory tests on use. of measuring equipment in energy audit.
Continuous assessment will be based on an individual assessment in the form of tests distributed throughout the semester on the contents with a weight of (approx.) 67% and an assessment of the work/projects developed by students with a weight of (approx.) 33%.

Tipo de avaliação

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Componentes de Avaliação

Designation Peso (%)
Teste 67,00
Trabalho laboratorial 33,00
Total: 100,00

Componentes de Ocupação

Designation Tempo (Horas)
Estudo autónomo 102,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Trabalho escrito
Trabalho laboratorial 6,00
Total: 162,00

Obtenção de frequência

Realization of practical work and tests, with minimum marks in each test of 8.5 values. Exams' minimum mark is 10 values.

Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

Final grade = 0.125*NTP1+0.125*NTP2 +0.15*NL+0.25*NT1+0.35*NT2

NTP1 - 1st Practial work grade;
NTP2 - 2nd Practical work grade;
NTL - Laboratorial work grade;
NT1 - 1st Test grade;
NT2 - 2nd Test grade.


If the practical work is not carried out and approval is not obtained by continuous assessment, approval in the thermal and electrical parts of the UC can be obtained by examination.

For continuous assessment, if a practical or laboratory work is not delivered, its weight on the final grade is transferred to the test component (electrical or thermal) to which it belongs.

Examination to both electric and thermal components applies to the final exam period (época de recurso).
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