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Undergraduate in Bioinformatics

Dados Gerais

Código Oficial: 9687
Sigla: BINF
Descrição: A Bioinformática surge no interface entre as disciplinas de Ciências Biológicas, Informática e Matemática e é uma área emergente que foi fortemente impulsionada pela sequenciação de genomas. A combinação de competências e conhecimentos obtidos fornecem uma base sólida para uma ampla gama de oportunidades de emprego ou estudo mais aprofundado para níveis mestrado ou doutoramento.
Este curso permite o acesso à Ordem dos Engenheiros Técnicos.


  • Undergraduate in Bioinformatics (180 Créditos ECTS)

Unidades Curriculares

Linear Algebra


To acquire some calculus techniques which are widely used in other curricular units; among these techniques we highlight matrix techniques, representation of linear equation systems and their resolution, determinants and their applications as well as linear spaces and linear transformations.

Mathematical Analysis I


The goal is to carry on developing the mathematical reasoning initiated in highschool education, in order to be able to meet the demands of other curricular units. On completing this curricular unit, students should have acquired the necessary skills in differential calculus and integration of functions of one variable, including the fundamental theorems of calculus.

Applied Biology

BINF035 - ECTS At the end of the course is intended that students have the skill to: a) Understand the principles of classification and diversity of living organisms. b) Give details of structural and functional aspects of cellular biology. c) Identify the basic principles of metabolism in plant and in animal cells. d) Understand the fundamentals of the control of cell division e) Understand the fundamentals of heredity f) Acquire abilities of optical microscopy techniques and spectrophotometry g) Acquire abilities to perform colouration techniques, namely GRAM colouration h) Acquire abilities to identify aspects of Biodiversity at the local, regional and national level i) Acquire abilities to distinguish elements of diversity associated with different taxonomic kingdoms

Perspectives in Bioinformatics


This curricular unit is designed primarily to provide to the student an overview of boinformátics as an interdisciplinary science that allows the storage and analysis of large volumes of biological information, involving biochemists, biologists, mathematicians and experts in the latest informatic techniques applied to Biological and Chemical sciences. In addition, it is intended with this curricular unit to introduce the student to several fields of action and application of bioinformatics.

Programming Applied to Bioinformatics

BINF031 - ECTS The curricular unit “Programming Applied to Bioinformatics” aims to convey the notion of algorithms as the formalization of a solution to a well-defined problem in a sequence of elementary actions. At the end, the student should be able to: analyze a given algorithm and predict the final result of its execution; design algorithms in natural language and pseudo-code; Understand and know: computer programming as a way of describing algorithms in a formal language that can be executed on a general-purpose computer; elementary principles of programming: variables; decision instructions; cycle instructions; lists and arrays; the traditional computer program development cycle: design, programming and testing. Apply knowledge of these basic principles to an appropriate programming language; be able to translate a given algorithm into a complete program; be able to solve a given problem by designing, programming and testing it.

General Chemistry

BINF006 - ECTS After this course it is expected that the student will know and understand the fundaments of general chemistry. The student should be able to recognize the atomic structure and chemical bonds, basic foundations of chemistry, with the aim of understanding the structure of matter and its transformations, as well as understand and to know how to implement qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis, distinguishing between the different chemical equilibrium. Understand the acid-base equilibrium, knowing how to use buffer solutions, titrations and acid-base volumetry. Although the essentially introductory character of this UC, it is intended that students acquire skills allowing them a better adaptation and understanding of problems involved in chemical processes in the subsequent UC, essential to access profession as professionals in Biotechnology in general and particularly in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, food and biochemistry, or related fields, and in public services

Mathematical Analysis II


The goal is to carry on developing the mathematical reasoning initiated in Mathematical Analysis I and apply it, in this case, to functions of several variables, to be able to meet the demands of other curriculum units. On completing the curriculum unit, the students should have acquired the necessary skills in differential calculus and integration of functions of several variables, including the fundamental theorems of calculus. They should also be able to solve some differential equations that appear in several applications of engineering.

Data Bases

The student should be able to design, conceive and implement 
databases using the relational database model.
Concepts, various models and existing database systems are
presented. It is intended that the student acquire the ability
to describe the architecture of a Database Management System
and use a database construction tool with this approach.
In this context, it should understand the transactional
operation, the mechanisms of competition, security and
fault tolerance and authorization/authentication in a DBMS. It is also objective for the student to acquire skills in
analyzing and extracting information from the database.
Data definition and data manipulation languages ​​will be
presented. For the practical component, among the available tools,
a reference client/server architecture database on the
market will be used.

Cell and Molecular Biology

BINF009 - ECTS The objective of this curricular unit is to increase the knowledge about the basic functional unit of all living beings – the cell, in terms of its composition, dynamic and functioning.

Fundamentals of Information Systems


Learning objectives (knowledge, skills, and competencies to be developed by students):

  • Acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge fundamental to the understanding of IS and its role in organizations, particularly in the health area;
  • Acquisition of core knowledge in domains associated with IS (Information Management, Architecture, Project Management, Auditing, Ethics);
  • Ability to identify solutions to specific problems in the IS framework from organizational reading;
  • Identify some of the main methods, tools, and solutions within the IS;
  • Identification of the importance of IS design, management and control activities in an organizational context;
  • Ability to critically reflect on issues related to the fundamentals of IS;
  • The framework of the role and role of the Information Systems Manager.

Introduction to Statistics


Students should be able to apply statistical description methods, including both univariate and bivariate analysis, in common engineering applications.

Organic Chemistry


The objectives for students are: to become familiar with formulas, structures, nomenclature and concepts in the field of organic chemistry; to recognize the importance of a given molecule, the role and distribution of electrons that can intervene in organic reactions; to classify the reactions of organic compounds; to understand the chemical reactions and justify mechanistically these reactions. Apply the knowledge of the reactivity of different functional groups in order to obtain new compounds; to acquire the concept of geometry of molecules in space associated with the study of stereochemistry.

It is intended that students acquire skills to access profession as chemical engineering professionals in the chemical or biological in general and, in particular, in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, food and biochemistry, or related fields, and in public services.

Multivariate Analysis and Data Processing


It is intended in this course to convey concepts of probability and statistics so that students know and understand applying advanced statistical techniques for multivariate statistical description, whose purpose is to summarize and describe the most relevant aspects in a data set.
Fundamental notions will be addressed in sampling theory and discrete and continuous probabilistic models. The approach to statistical inference with reference to the hypothesis tests will be explored in more detail.

The theoretical approach will be accompanied by examples related to biology. It is also intended that the knowledge acquired in this curricular unit provides a solid basis for other curricular units in the syllabus.


BINF014 - ECTS The objective of this curricular unit is the knowledge and understanding of the properties and structure of the foremost classes of biomolecules (sugars, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids), their interactions with the solvent water, and the mechanisms by which they react in a controlled manner in the context of the living cell.

Data Warehousing

BINF015 - ECTS In this curricular unit, the student should be able to characterize the architecture and distinguish the different models of a Data Warehouse, approaching the dimensional model of Ralph Kimball and the business model of W. H. Inmon.

It is intended that the student master the Data Warehouse components, and be able to plan and execute the development cycle of a Data Warehouse. The student should be able to master the analysis and design of the ETL process and have knowledge of OLAP interrogation tools.

The student should develop practical skills in the development of data warehouses based on the star schema and the ability to build MDX expressions, using Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools or the Oracle Exadata Intelligent Warehouse solution.

Molecular Spectroscopy

BINF016 - ECTS This Unit/Subject will expand some of the themes introduced in the Unit/Subject "General Chemistry". Chemical bond and intermolecular forces will be explored/studied as an extension of the atom properties. An introduction to thermodinamics is also included. Absorption spectroscopies will be presented in close relation to the structural characteristics that they enlighten; mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance are shown as structural analytical tools.

Structural and Evolutionary Genomics


This curricular unit is designed primarily to provide students with an integrated view of the structure and function of genomes, taking into account their methods of sequencing, annotation and analysis. In addition, at the end of the semester it is expected that students know the latest methods of genetic analysis at the RNA level and protein expression, in addition to understand the functioning of cells in an integrated and comprehensive manner.

Programming Languages

BINF032 - ECTS This course has as main objectives to provide the student with a global vision of the object-oriented programming paradigm. At the end of the course unit the learner is expected to be able to - Identify and apply the fundamentals of the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm. - Analyse problems and design solutions for those problems using the object-oriented paradigm - Build common software applications using an object-oriented programming language. - Design and implement solutions through teamwork

Analysis of Biological Sequences

BINF019 - ECTS The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic principles biological sequences analysis, based on the concept of sequence (DNA, RNA and proteins), associated with the structure of biomolecules, to promotethe understanding of the applications of the various algorithms and to give the skills required to choose the most appropriate techniques and interpret the results obtained. The most common methods will bediscussed, as students should be able to understand and transcribe them into code, and the various tools available for analysis and treatment sequences will be studied in detail, so that students master them properly.

Machine Learning


Students should become familiar with the algorithmic foundations of machine learning, as well as techniques for solving the challenges presented by each dataset. They should be able to select appropriate algorithms for each problem and apply the algorithms to new datasets and understand and evaluate their results.

Learning outcomes and competences
- Understanding of the fundamentals of machine learning algorithms and methodologies presented
- Ability to justify the choice of a machine learning solution to a given problem
- Ability to apply the algorithms to new data sets
- Ability to evaluate the results

Bioethics and Information Security


(OA.1) Understand the bioethical approach and the relevance of the relationship between science, ethics and society.
(OA.2) Framing biotechnological issues in an ethical approach.
(OA.3) Discuss cases and themes, properly applying bioethical thinking, prevailing theories and argumentative models to the assessment of concrete situations
Information security
(OA.4) Identify the main risks and threats in Cyberspace and the need for Information Security to find structured responses to them.
(OA.5) Understand and know how to apply the main concepts underlying Information Security, its limitations and interrelationships.
(OA.6) Understand and the main concepts related to the risk of information assets in organizations and develop analysis capabilities materialized through various elements, such as strategies, architectures, policies, standards and procedures, etc.

Data Mining

  • Understand the main concepts related with Business Intelligence, namely DataWarehouse, ETL and Reporting Tools and the technological infrastructure;
  • Understand the importance of Business Analytics as a practice of iterative data exploration, to enable the decision making.
  • Understand the importance of Data Mining in organizations
  • Knowledge Discover in Databases through Data Mining techniques;
  • Understand the main concepts, methodologies and Data Mining techniques.


. Acquire a conceptual, deep and specialized 
knowledge about Entrepreneurship. . Critically understand the theories and principles
of Entrepreneurship. . Conceive creative solutions and innovate both in
the context of creating new companies and in existing
companies. . Solve complex and unpredictable problems related to
business environments. . Apply strategic planning tools for the creation
and development of new businesses. . Develop business plans for business creation. . Take responsibility for individual and collective
development as an entrepreneur on their own or for others. . Develop autonomy with regard to decision making and
problem solving in the context of creating the company
itself or existing companies in a proactive, innovative
way, generating sustainable value.

Metabolism and Regulation

The students will be able to recognize and understand that the various cellular processes are organized and use recurring motifs, and that metabolism has evolved various processes in order to maintain homeostasis. Building on the Bioquímica UC, metabolic pathways will be studied and an introduction to their mathematical description is included. An introduction to drug action and metabolism is also included in order to show that drugs can be looked at as metabolic modulators. Identification of the organizing motifs allows students to develop an analysis of metabolism that can be easily transferred between systems; this is strengthened by the mathematical analysis of metabolism, that builds on the previous Mathematics UCs.

Big Data


This curricular unit will provide knowledge on tools for storage, processing and visualization of large volumes of data, the development of skills in the construction and testing of efficient algorithms for Big Data, namely the study of paradigms, models, tools and parallel programming languages.
At the end of the course the student should be able to

- Determine the solution to be applied and the instruments to be used in the storage, exploration and analysis of a large volume of data
- Select appropriate visualization options to summarize and extract knowledge from a large volume of data
- Understand the concept of parallel and distributed processing as a way to increase performance in data management and analysis

- Develop algorithms and models to solve problems that explore the management of concurrency, distribution and parallelism
- Recognize the different hardware architectures that support the operation of these algorithms

Computational Biochemistry

BINF026 - ECTS skills, focusing on structure modelling, protein modelling and protein interactions. Students will learn the validity
and applicability of molecular dynamics methods applied to biomolecular problemas – proteins, nucleic acid, and membranes.

Using the contents of this curricular unit students will be able to:
-Choose the appropriate technique to model problems relating to structural;
-Set-up and run the necessary calculations;
-Use the existing analysis tools or write their own, using the programming skills from previous UCs.

Students will learn the fundamental skills of structure simulation, with some exercise classes focused on learning
the details.

Bioinformatics Laboratory

BINF028 - ECTS This UC is organized so that students use all the knowledge and skills from previous UCs and develop their own projects, in a computational environment, with a high degree of autonomy and under the necessary supervision. The structural simulation skills from “Bioquímica Computacional” UC and the mathematical modelling skills from “Metabolismo e Regulação” and “Modelação de Processos Biológicos” UCs are the key skills the students will develop; various other UCs of the biotechnology and informatics will also be used.

Modeling of Biological Processes

BINF029 - ECTS The goal of this UC is to provide knowledge about mathematical modeling used to simulate biological/biochemical systems from a kinetic and metabolic perspective. This mathematical interpretation stems from the systems biology, in which systems can be modeled through the use of differential equations encompassing not only kinetics and flows, but also regulation processes and compartmentalization. This UC also includes pharmacokinetic application models, which were introduced at the UC “Metabolism and Regulation”. Skills developed by students includes the bio-mathematical analysis of biological systems using computational tools and databases in the area of systems biology.



The degree in Bioinformatics results from the joint efforts of 4 IPS schools. Thus, it makes sense that in the

curricular plan exists one unit with multidisciplinary character, aggregating different knowledge. The UC with 5

ECTS, occurs in the 5th semester with both TP and tutorial (OT) components, being implemented through a tutoring

system that monitors and supports the student's pathway.

The general objective is to allow the student to build a specific learning pathway, ensuring the formal recognition of

learning and skills acquired in different contexts and situations - scientific, academic, professional and social –

ensuing its recognization as significant, relevant and in the scope of the desired competencies for the graduates.

These activities can be carried out throughout the course (extracurricular internships or participation in research

projects or others of the IPS) or be structured only in this 5th semester.

Curricular Internship or Project

BINF030 - ECTS The main objective of this curricular unit is to get the student to solve a new problem, corresponding to a new situation in a working context, in an internship or as a project, based on the skills and knowledge acquired during the course in Bioinformatics.
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