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Informatics Engineering

Dados Gerais

Código Oficial: 9119
Sigla: INF


  • Informatics Engineering - Branch of Software Engineering (180 Créditos ECTS)
  • Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática (180 Créditos ECTS)
  • Informatics Engineering - Branch of Management Informatics (180 Créditos ECTS)

Unidades Curriculares

Computational Architecture and Microprocessors

INF32192 - ECTS

Being able to convert between numeric the decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems.
To know how to use the Boole’s algebra in the context of microprocessors programming.
To know the assembly language and being able to program microcontrollers in assembly.
To understand the use of memory in microprocessor based systems.


INF32193 - ECTS Understand the importance of the Economy in the economic system, and in society in general;
Know the main concepts and techniques in the area of Economics;
Know how to define the object and method of savings;
Understand the problem of scarcity of resources;
Understand consumer choices;
Understand the laws of supply and demand;
Understand the macroeconomic context of countries/regions;
Know the evolution of the main indicators of the economic situation and the HDI.

Introduction to Business Management

INF32194 - ECTS

To understand the role, impact and interaction of organizations and companies with their surroundings, as well as their internal functioning in a functional and systemic perspective.


Introduction to Object-oriented Programming

INF32146 - ECTS This curricular unit has the following learning objectives:
- know the history and evolution of programming languages;
- understand the basic concepts of programming, using, for this, the Java language;
- understand the basic concepts of object-oriented programming;
- apply the previous concepts in problem solving;
- develop applications centered on the good use of the Java language.

Mathematics I

INF32144 - ECTS
The aim of the Mathematics I curricular unit is to provide students the basic mathematical knowledge referred to in the syllabus of the curricular unit and necessary for their training as Higher Technicians or Engineers.

Computer Networks

INF32166 - ECTS The fundamental objective of the Computer Networks Course Unit is to provide Students with basic knowledge in the area of Computer Networks. The aspects dealt with include the theoretical and functional foundations and the project for the installation and maintenance of Local Computer Networks. In a final phase, aspects to increase network security are addressed.

Algorithms and Abstract Data Types

INF32153 - ECTS
The following objectives are outlined:

- Knowing how to formalize algorithms and analyze/discuss their temporal algorithmic complexity;

- Know the concept of Abstract Data Type (ADT) and distinguish "specification" from "implementation";

- Knowing how to apply ADTs in problem solving;

- Knowing how to specify new ADTs;

- Given its specification, knowing how to derive a concrete implementation for an ADT and knowing how to discuss/compare different implementations, varying the data structure;

- Apply algorithms and ADTs in solving real problems, identifying the most appropriate algorithms and ADTs.

Numerical Analysis

INF32151 - ECTS The main objective of the Curricular Unit is to familiarize the student with computational methods that numerically approximate solutions of common questions in calculus. It is intended that the student learns various numerical methods, its application, its implementation on a computational tool and how to choose the most appropriate among them, considering the problem to be solved.

Learning objectives:

1- Represent real numbers in different exact and rounded numerical representation systems.

2- Analyze in R^n the error associated with approximate values, and its propagation.

3- Carry out operations with matrices and apply them in the formulation of linear problems and error analysis.

4- Determine the set of solutions of linear matrix equations, through the inverse substitution algorithm and the Gaussian elimination method.

5- Identify Doolittle and Cholesky LU decompositions of square matrices, interpreting and applying the results.

6- Apply iterative methods to solve linear equations (in particular the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods) and non-linear ones (in particular the Newton-Raphson and secant methods), analyzing their convergence.

7- Apply interval methods of bisection and false position in solving nonlinear equations.

8- Apply Lagrange, Newton and Gregory-Newton polynomial interpolation formulas to obtain approximate values ​​or zeros of a function.

9- Apply different quadrature rules, simple and compound, to obtain approximate values ​​of an integra


INF32152 - ECTS -Know the potential of a Relational Database Management System - RDBMS

-Construction and manipulation of relational database schemas

-Development of logic layer of data interaction

Organizational Behavior and Teams Management

INF32203 - ECTS

Students should develop skills in behavioral analysis, leadership and team management in an organizational context.

Introduction to Web Programming

INF32198 - ECTS

It is intended that students acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies for "client-side" Web development, having the Internet as an integrating element:

- Understand the languages ​​and Web technologies used for programming on clients (front-end):

   -> Know how to define the structure of a Web page.

   -> Understand and apply the concepts related to the presentation of a Web page.

   -> Ability to apply concepts related to the behavior of a Web page.

   -> Train the student to solve application problems in the validation of forms.

- Show ability to design a Web application, taking into account its complete architecture.

- Show aptitude and demonstrate skills for teamwork.

Object Oriented Programming

INF32150 - ECTS - Understand and apply advanced concepts of object oriented programming.
- Apply those concepts using the Java programming language.
- Know how to design application solutions according to the object-oriented paradigm.

Discrete Mathemathics

INF32155 - ECTS The objectives of this course include the solidification of some knowledge about whole numbers and combinatorial analysis acquired up to the 12th grade, as well as learning a new set of mathematical tools used in other subjects of the course. This knowledge is aimed, in particular, at the understanding of discrete mathematical models very common in the study of various technological systems. It will insist on the development of the students' logical-deductive reasoning, and, in this sense, the contents should also be seen as a means to achieve this end.

Advanced Programming

INF32157 - ECTS
Develop in the student advanced object-oriented programming skills, more specifically:
- Specification and Manipulation of Abstract Data Types of non-linear collections
- Identification, selection and implementation of Software Patterns
- Application of Refactoring Techniques

Web Programming

INF32206 - ECTS It is intended that students acquire the knowledge, skills and competences for "Full Stack" Web development, with the Internet as an integrating element

Operating Systems

INF32154 - ECTS To know and understand the basic abstractions and mechanisms available on an operating system.

Mobile Computation

INF32186 - ECTS Provide basic mobile application skills so that students are able to design, deploy, test, debug, and deploy mobile applications that leverage local data storage, sensor information, and respect basic privacy and security rules.

Parallel and Distributed Computing

INF32208 - ECTS Students should be able to know and understand the techniques and paradigms of parallel and distributed computing in order to design algorithms and multithreaded applications that involve communication between computers.

Human-computer Interaction

INF32156 - ECTS
The main objective of the Human-Computer Interaction curricular unit is to prepare students with the necessary knowledge to develop software solutions focused on the users and their needs.
The course explores non-technical aspects related to the development of software products, with the main focus on usability and product adaptation to the needs of the user.
At the end of this course students are expected to:
- Have greater ease in analyzing and validating software products;
- Be able to develop solutions centered on the user and validate the degree of usability and adaptation of the created solution, considering the target audience for which it is intended.

Learning Objectives:
Obj:01 - Recognize the relevance that the interface represents as a component of an interactive system.
Obj:02 - Understand and use the user-centered design model.
Obj:03 - Understand and apply the analysis of users and tasks in the planning and design of an interactive system.
Obj:04 - Know and understand the role of human factors in the design of an interactive system.
Obj:05 - Understand and apply the conceptual model.
Obj-06 - Know and apply usability principles.
Obj:07 - Know and apply prototyping techniques.
Obj:08 - Know and apply the usability evaluation methods and techniques.
Obj:09 - Understand and analyze evaluation data.
Obj:10 - Apply and Specify the requirements of the target audience of an interactive system.
Obj:11- Design, implement and evaluate interfaces.

Statistical Methods

INF32209 - ECTS The curricular unit contents are structured, regarding its suitability for the intended learning outcomes.
Therefore, each subject approaches fundamental theoretical concepts and practical applications by solving problems using the basic tools of Probability and Statistics to enable students to analyze certain phenomena of random nature, framed in the context technology.

Applied Software Engineering

INF32213 - ECTS Learning objectives (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by students)
1.Enumerate and apply the principles of Software Engineering.
2. Enumerate and describe the basic principles that govern the agile methodologies and traditional methodologies for software development. 3.
3. Capture, specify and analyze the requirements of a software application.
4. Enumerate and describe the guiding principles governing software design.
5. Enumerate and apply the principles governing software development.
6. Understand, analyse and apply the principles for code optimisation and software quality
7. Use UML to make the necessary diagrams for the Software Engineering process
8. Use BPMN to create business process diagrams

Visual Programming

INF32188 - ECTS Ability to integrate knowledge, acquired in other curricular units, through its application in a software project.
Ability to adapt to new technologies.
Ability to work as a team.
Development of professional applications.

Computer Project Management

INF32210 - ECTS

- Understand the management of computer projects, the life cycle and their organization.

- Know the management of scope, time, quality, human resources, communications between teams and risks.

- Understand how software development methodologies integrate into project management.

- Understand the concepts of continuous delivery, continuous installation and DevOps, associated with software development.

- Know how to map requirements in software development tasks, create estimates for these tasks and plan tasks in the development process.

- Demonstrate the ability to follow a planning and reporting the execution of the tasks assigned to them and to define product quality and development process metrics.

- Demonstrate the ability to work as a team, understand roles of agile team members, and take on each role in a hands-on group work.

- To know the good practices and the main norms.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

INF32211 - ECTS
  • Understand processes and innovation models, sources and threats, and how innovation spreads;
  • Explain the role of innovation on competitiveness and its impact on products and services;
  • Understand the process of creation and development of new ideas;
  • Diagnose and conduct feasibility studies to create a new company; Develop a business plan;
  • Understand the process of enterprise /company creation and monitor the progress and development of a company.

Artificial Intelligence

INF32185 - ECTS Give students knowledge of usage problems intelligence and artificial knowledge techniques, using knowledge methods. It is intended to endow students with the understanding and ability to develop search states in space and others used in game theory.

Portfolio in Computer Engineering

INF32212 - ECTS Provide students with an active involvement in activities of institutions and development projects with social enterprises and others, to encourage their participation in addition to training within the course. In addition to enriching your CV, your participation in projects will encourage society and the articulation of knowledge between them.
This curricular unit intends to focus its activity on partnership projects with companies, societies, associations that show interest in a real product; or research centers that will develop research projects.
A second focus is to encourage students to seek and improve their knowledge, with training and participation
in events is not the scope of the course.

Databases Complements

INF32158 - ECTS
A unidade curricular tem por objectivo dotar os alunos dos seguintes conhecimentos:
- Conhecer aspetos internos à organização da persistência dos dados pelo SGBD, e suas implicações
- Reconhecer os aspetos que influenciam a performance dos SGBD relacionais, e como podem estes ser otimizados
- Atuar numa vertente de administração sobre SGBD relacionais
- Distinguir critérios que motivam a adoção de SGBDs NoSQL

Development of Videogames

INF32214 - ECTS
Dotar os estudantes de conhecimentos sobre o desenvolvimento de videojogos com foco no desenvolvimento de um videojogo utilizando um motor para o efeito.


Information security

INF32215 - ECTS

Esta unidade curricular visa desenvolver um conjunto de competências no domínio da segurança informática, nomeadamente a compreensão dos principais atributos de segurança.

O aluno deverá ser capaz de compreender as diferentes questões de segurança:

  • Disponibilidade dos sistemas

  • Integridade dos sistemas

  • Confidencialidade

Traineeship/Project in Software Engineering

INF32201 - ECTS

Os objetivos a atingir são, para além da execução técnica do projeto/estágio, os seguintes:

  • Desenvolver nos alunos a capacidade de abordar um problema real de engenharia informática, apresentando uma solução funcional;

  • Estimular a sua capacidade de análise e de síntese, desenvolver o seu sentido crítico e as suas capacidades de trabalhar em grupo e de comunicação;

  • Proporcionar às equipas de alunos e docentes um contacto com a realidade empresarial facilitando a sua aproximação às práticas de gestão e do exercício da engenharia, aplicadas nas empresas;

  • Facultar experiência específica na área empresarial, mais propriamente nas áreas de informática e de gestão;

  • Desenvolver a aplicação de métodos e técnicas de intervenção na área informática;

  • Aprender a resolver problemas, partindo de situações reais e com os recursos existentes;

  • Facilitar a inserção dos alunos no mercado de trabalho.


INF32161 - ECTS

Entender o conceito de Marketing como um conjunto de funções que incluem a análise de mercado, o comportamento do consumidor e processo de planeamento e execução das políticas de produto, preço, distribuição e promoção de bens e serviços, que criam trocas com valor para a organização e clientes.


Management Accounting

INF32191 - ECTS
  1. Dotar os estudantes dos conceitos fundamentais de Contabilidade Geral e Analítica e Gestão Financeira;
  2. Dar a conhecer os principais mecanismos de tratamento de informação financeira na ótica da Contabilidade de Gestão, nomeadamente no que respeita aos sistemas de custeio e gestão orçamental;
  3. Dotar os estudantes de espírito crítico que lhes permita compreender as vantagens e as limitações dos sistemas de informação financeiros no apoio à tomada de decisão.

Human Resources Management

INF32178 - ECTS

Perceber o que se entende por GRH, como se relaciona com a gestão global da empresa e quais as suas funções.

Traineeship/Project in Management Informatics

INF32204 - ECTS

Os objetivos a atingir são, para além da execução técnica do projeto/estágio, os seguintes:

  • Desenvolver nos alunos a capacidade de abordar um problema real de engenharia informática, apresentando uma solução funcional;

  • Estimular a sua capacidade de análise e de síntese, desenvolver o seu sentido crítico e as suas capacidades de trabalhar em grupo e de comunicação;

  • Proporcionar às equipas de alunos e docentes um contacto com a realidade empresarial facilitando a sua aproximação às práticas de gestão e do exercício da engenharia, aplicadas nas empresas;

  • Facultar experiência específica na área empresarial, mais propriamente nas áreas de informática e de gestão;

  • Desenvolver a aplicação de métodos e técnicas de intervenção na área informática;

  • Aprender a resolver problemas, partindo de situações reais e com os recursos existentes;

  • Facilitar a inserção dos alunos no mercado de trabalho.

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