Código Oficial: | 9569 |
Sigla: | MEC |
Concerning reinforced concrete and steel structures, knowing thoroughly the properties of materials and corresponding deterioration mechanisms under external and internal actions. To have basic knowledge as regards the assessment of structures with the results of inspections. To know how to interpret inspection reports in order to allow identifying anomalies and their possible causes. To know thoroughly the relevant rehabilitation techniques used currently taking into account the materials, systems and methods. To implement o acquired knowledge to a practical case of rehabilitation project – RC or steel – identifying associated problems considering, with critical approach, several hypothetical solutions and/or an assembly of these. Introduction to the maintenance of structures |
Transmitting knowledge related with the construction products directive. Provide scientific and technical expertise in the field of construction materials, including concrete, steel and aluminum, polymers, composite materials and new building materials, through the analysis of raw materials, processing techniques, properties and their evaluation, standardization and application in force. To provide students knowledge and skills related to trial activity/laboratory.
Hard skills: Enunciate, interpret and solve engineering problems to interpret and use manuals and other technical documents, in your native language and other Training so that they can practice their profession of engineer with analytical capacity, critical spirit and innovative direction.
Soft skills: Use the technical and scientific literature data Collects, analyses, characterizes and produces information organize and plan work knows how to work in a team.
Discutir o impacte ambiental da construção, principalmente do setor dos edifícios, enumerando os principais fatores nefastos sobre o ambiente e as medidas da construção sustentável com especial ênfase para os sistemas construtivos não convencionais e para materiais, processos e sistemas inovadores.
O estudante deverá ficar habilitado a:
- Implementar práticas de inovação tecnológica em exemplos reais;
- Implementar práticas de sustentabilidade na conceção, execução, manutenção e demolição de construções.
Como competências específicas considera-se:
- Transmitir informação, oral e escrita, de forma objetiva a interlocutores na área da engenharia, equacionando ideias e problemas;
- Garantir a qualidade dos projetos em que se envolve, consciente dos impactos associados: tecnológicos, económicos, sociais e ambientais;
- Formular soluções alternativas e/ou inovadoras;
- Elaborar propostas coerentes e consistentes.