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Undergraduate in Biotechnology

Dados Gerais

Código Oficial: 9016
Sigla: BIOT
Descrição: O curso foi planeado como uma licenciatura em Biotecnologia de base generalista, garantindo uma vasta gama de saídas profissionais para os futuros licenciados. Esta formação é especialmente destinada aos estudantes interessados em prosseguir uma carreira no sector da biotecnologia – quer nas grandes multinacionais de Biotecnologia ou da indústria farmacêutica ou a empresas de menor dimensão, explorando as novas inovações no campo. A formação em Biotecnologia combina as aptidões laboratoriais  e os conhecimentos teóricos fornecidos nas várias unidades curriculares e estágio curricular ou projeto biotecnológico de modo a preparar o diplomado a entrar no mercado de trabalho em vários sectores como o Farmacêutico, Alimentar , Agrícola ou indústrias de investigação biológica/biotecnológica.
Este curso permite o acesso à Ordem dos Engenheiros Técnicos.

Reportagem publicada por Inspiring Future
Licenciaturas "Bio": a ciência aplicada à vida


  • Undergraduate in Biotechnology (180 Créditos ECTS)

Unidades Curriculares

Linear Algebra


To acquire some calculus techniques which are widely used in other curricular units; among these techniques we highlight matrix techniques, representation of linear equation systems and their resolution, determinants and their applications as well as linear spaces and linear transformations.

Mathematical Analysis I


The goal is to carry on developing the mathematical reasoning initiated in highschool education, in order to be able to meet the demands of other curricular units. On completing this curricular unit, students should have acquired the necessary skills in differential calculus and integration of functions of one variable, including the fundamental theorems of calculus.

Introduction to Biotechnology


The main aim of this curricular unit is to understand that biotechnology is a multidisciplinary area that uses living organisms and bio-processes in engineering, technology, medicine and other scientific areas that require bio-products. Biotechnology also uses these products for manufacture purposes. It is also important to know and understand the evolution of biotechnology throughout time, as well as its ramification in the several areas. Compare and differentiate between chemical and biological processes and know some of its most important products in biotechnology are also important aims of this subject. In addition, all this technological progress over the years raises some important ethical questions, in which there is no moral consensus. In the end of the semester, the student must be able to understand the importance of bioethics in biotechnology and must be able to have critical and justified ideas regarding: abortion, cloning procedures, organ transplantation, euthanasia.

Laboratory I

BIOT166 - ECTS The purpose of discipline is to provide skills training in basic operations of chemical laboratory. After
completed the course, students should have acquired the following competencies:
- Ability to analyze data analytical and experimental results;
- Interpreting the sources of uncertainty and the ways of propagation;
- Competence in handling analytical glassware, analytical equipment, and reagents in the laboratory.

Computational Methods

BIOT170 - ECTS The goal is that the student can use a spreadsheet and can acquire programming skills. At the end of the course the student should be able to:
  • Be able to use a spreadsheet, taking the most out of its many capabilities;
  • Apply abstract programming concepts to a specific programming language;
  • Understand the basics of programming in order to adapt to new programming languages;
  • Develop logic reasoning;
  • Develop team work skills.

General Chemistry

BIOT148 - ECTS After this course it is expected that the student will know and understand the fundaments of general chemistry. The student should be able to recognize the atomic structure and chemical bonds, basic foundations of chemistry, with the aim of understanding the structure of matter and its transformations, as well as understand and to know how to implement qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis, distinguishing between the different chemical equilibrium. Understand the acid-base equilibrium, knowing how to use buffer solutions, titrations and acid-base volumetry. Although the essentially introductory character of this UC, it is intended that students acquire skills allowing them a better adaptation and understanding of problems involved in chemical processes in the subsequent UC, essential to access profession as professionals in Biotechnology in general and particularly in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, food and biochemistry, or related fields, and in public services

Mathematical Analysis II


The goal is to carry on developing the mathematical reasoning initiated in Mathematical Analysis I and apply it, in this case, to functions of several variables, to be able to meet the demands of other curriculum units. On completing the curriculum unit, the students should have acquired the necessary skills in differential calculus and integration of functions of several variables, including the fundamental theorems of calculus. They should also be able to solve some differential equations that appear in several applications of engineering.

General Biology

BIOT147 - ECTS At the end of the course is intended that students have skill to: a) Understand the principles of classification and diversity of living organisms. b) Give details of structural and functional aspects of cellular biology. c) Identify the basic principles of metabolism in plant and in animal cells. d) Understand the fundamentals of the control of cell division e) Understand the fundamentals of heredity f) Acquire abilities of optical microscopy techniques and cytochemistry

Applied Statistics

BIOT171 - ECTS -

Fundamental of Physics

  • Carry out unit conversions; apply Newton's laws; calculate changes in mechanical energy; solve problems involving the equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; define absolute and relative motion and relative speed;
  • Define fluid and its properties; characterize the pressure force acting on a surface inside a liquid in equilibrium; apply the fundamental law of hydrostatics, the Archimedes' Law to situations of equilibrium of bodies in a liquid, and the Archimedes' Principle;
  • Define laminar and turbulent flow; identify and characterize the flow regime; apply Bernoulli's Law; calculate the pressure and velocity at any point in a flow;
  • Define the electric field flux and apply Gauss' law;
  • Analyze electrical circuits using the appropriate laws;
  • Define magnetic force and field lines;
  • Analyze the behavior of the magnetic force on a current-carrying wire;
  • Apply the laws of optics and the optical properties of matter;
  • Solve problems analytically, numerically or graphically in any of the topics included in the syllabus.

Laboratory II

BIOT168 - ECTS A set of objectives for each laboratory session has been included in the Laboratory Manual. The purpose of these objectives is to guide the student in understanding of each method and to help the student to prepare for each laboratory session. After completed the course, students should have acquired the following competencies:

- Proficiency at handling chemicals and using laboratory equipment;

- Understanding of the practice of classic titration;

- Writing skills using scientific prose.

Organic Chemistry


The objectives for students are: to become familiar with formulas, structures, nomenclature and concepts in the field of organic chemistry; to recognize the importance of a given molecule, the role and distribution of electrons that can intervene in organic reactions; to classify the reactions of organic compounds; to understand the chemical reactions and justify mechanistically these reactions. Apply the knowledge of the reactivity of different functional groups in order to obtain new compounds; to acquire the concept of geometry of molecules in space associated with the study of stereochemistry.

It is intended that students acquire skills to access profession as chemical engineering professionals in the chemical or biological in general and, in particular, in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, food and biochemistry, or related fields, and in public services.


BIOT149 - ECTS The objective of this curricular unit is the knowledge and understanding of the properties and structure of the foremost classes of biomolecules (sugars, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids), their interactions with the solvent water, and the mechanisms by which they react in a controlled manner in the context of the living cell.

Transport Phenomena I

BIOT082 - ECTS This curricular unit aims that students should: Acquire basic knowledge about transport of momentum and heat; Apply the knowledge acquired in solving problems involving fluid flow and heat transfer; Know how to establishing balance sheets of thermal energy and boundary conditions. After approval students should have the ability to: Design transport systems of a fluid.  Understand the fundamentals of energy transfer, being able to apply it for solving practical problems. Identify the processes involved in heat transfer to calculate the amount of heat transferred in one-dimensional systems, using a second Fourier's law, determine the temperature profile and the amount of heat transferred in one-dimensional systems involving heat generation; Analysis of heat transfer equipment, being able to apply knowledge acquired to the selection and design of heat exchangers. Select and design isolation.

Fundamentals of Bioprocess Engineering

BIOT150 - ECTS In Fundaments in Bioprocess the student should develop the ability to solve simple mathematical calculationsin order to quantify the transformation of raw materials into finished products, while also giving importance to consumption or production of energy.Throughout this model, students should acquire the following competencies:- Implement mass and energy balances to operations unit and chemical processes with multiple steps.- Classify and determine sensible heat, latent heats and heats of reaction.- Implement combined mass balance and energy to any process.- Solve problems involving mass and energy balances in non-stationary state

Laboratory IIIB


This curricular unit is based on laboratories experiences representing theoretical concepts acquired in the Biochemistry, Transport Phenomena I and. Thermodynamics s curricular units.

It is intended that, in this curricular unit, the students acquire the following competencies:
- Plan, implement, develop and optimize experiments in the area of the curricular units that the laboratory work refers.
- Interpreting results of experiments that highlight some of the basic phenomena I transfer, materials and biochemistry.
- Correlate the theoretical models taught, with the proper applicability in treatment of experimental results.
- Handle material / specific equipment used in carrying out the experiments.

Instrumental Methods of Analysis

BIOT106 - ECTS The objectives of this CU are:
To be able to use optical, electroanalytical, chromatographic methods, etc.;
To identify advantages and limitations for each technique;
To describe the functioning of each technique devices;
To use these devices knowing the best way of profiting from its potentialities;
Knowing the best technique to use in each situation (expected results and cost);
To identify and apply the preliminary steps that allowed an efficient use of each technique.

Chemical Thermodynamics

BIOT077 - ECTS The curricular unit has the main goal that the students acquire knowledge and competences in the areas of applied thermodynamic to Petroleum Tecnologies.

It is essential that the students understand and predict physical properties of ideal and real gases, knowing how to apply the laws of thermodynamics to reactions, allowing them to predict and calculate heat and/or work exchanges, entropy variations and spontaneity of the processes.

The students must be able to interpret phase diagram of pure substance, understanding the meaning of triple and critical points, and also to interpret phase diagrams for different mixtures, understanding their importance for several industrial separation process.

It is also necessary that student understand the differences between ideal and real liquid mixtures and the importance of the activity coefficients concept, allowing them to control the variables that affect the equilibrium.

Cell and Molecular Biology

BIOT154 - ECTS The objective of this curricular unit is to increase the knowledge about the basic functional unit of all living beings – the cell, in terms of its composition, dynamic and functioning.

Transport Phenomena II

BIOT088 - ECTS This unit curriculum is intended that students achieve the following objectives: physical and mathematical understanding of the mechanisms of mass transfer (diffusion and convection), acquisition of solid knowledge about transport of a component between phases in contact, understanding of the concept of transfer resistance mass and global resistance, to be able to establish macroscopic and microscopic balances of mass, in different geometries, both in steady state, both in the transient regime, ability to apply concepts acquired in some simple equipment, developing the skill to solve technology problems.

Fundamentals of Biophysics

Students are expected to acquire solid knowledge of important areas of physics and the applications of these areas in the fields of biology and medicine. The important practical component associated with this UC will complement the knowledge acquired in lectures and address, in a practical context, the concepts introduced during lectures. At the end of the curricular unit, students are expected to be able to:
Understand concepts in areas of physics with applications to biology and medicine: physics of sound, eletromagnetism, analysis of force and movement, nuclear physics and thermodynamics; 2. Understand how the aforementioned concepts are important in understanding how biological systems work; 3. Understand how several medical devices, typically used in clinical applications, work, and know the instrumentation associated with each device and their specific applications; 4. Understand the main applications, limitations and health risks associated with the use of the medical devices discussed in class; 5. Measure some of the parameters discussed in the theoretical classes, correctly handling the appropriate medical devices.

Laboratory IVB


This curricular unit is based on laboratory experiences representing theoretical concepts acquired in Separation Process IB, Transport Phenomena II, and Molecular and Cellular Biology curricular units.

It is intended that, in this curricular unit, the students acquire the following competencies:

- Plan, implement, develop and optimize experiments in the area of the curricular units that the laboratory work refers.

- Interpreting results of experiments that highlight some of the basic transport phenomena, instrumental methods of analysis and biochemistry.

- Correlate the theoretical models taught, with the proper applicability in the treatment of experimental results.

- Handle material and specific equipment used in carrying out the experiments.

- Assess the importance of the accuracy of the measurements to be made.

- Writing a scientific report clearly and objectively.


BIOT152 - ECTS It is expected that students acquire competences and knowledge in the variety that microbiology represents to the biotechnology field. This is ensured by the combinations of theoretical classes, practical classes and with seminars organized by experts in microbial biotechnology. At the end of the UC is expected that students are able to: 1. Identify the main landmarks in the development of microbiology and appoint the scientists associated with it; 2. Understand the fundaments of microorganisms’ biology and their diversity; 3. Understand the kinetic and the energy of growth and cell death; 4. Understand the effect of environmental factors and anti-microbial agents in microbial growth; 5. Apply the knowledge about the metabolism of microorganisms in the changes they mediate; 6. Understand the basic mechanisms underlying the adaptability proliferation of microorganisms in the human host; 7. Train the students in the use of basic microbiological techniques.

Separation Processes IB

BIOT153 - ECTS The curricular unit of Separation Processes IB aims to provide unit operations of separation/purification used in biologic and related industries, providing students with the knowledge to design separation equipment.

Genetic Engineering

BIOT158 - ECTS 1.Understand the fundamentals of genetic engineering
2.Understanding the potential of biotechnology of plants, animals and microorganisms in genetic engineering

Laboratory VB

BIOT162 - ECTS The objective of this curricular unit is to transmit to the students the necessary knowledge and skill s to address and perform experimental work and to analyze the final results. This curricular unit allows the students to become familiar with practical applications of the theoretical concepts acquired in the other curricular units that work at the same time.

Applied Microbiology

BIOT159 - ECTS It is expected that students acquire a deep knowledge about the application of microorganisms in various areas with socio-economic benefit to man, particularly in the agricultural, food, pharmaceutical and environmental. The theoretical component is associated with a strong laboratory component, allowing students to contact with current areas of industrial application of microorganisms.

Separation Processes IIB

The curricular unit of Separation Process II B aims to equip students with knowledge of membrane separation, adsorption and ion exchange chromatography. At the same time it is intended that students acquire the knowledge to analyze and to scale up the separation equipment.

After the approval of this course, students should be able to: 1) Identify and apply advanced separation processes such as distil ation optimized, supercritical extraction, membrane separation, adsorption, exchange and ion chromatography. 2) Know to scale up equipment for separation processes studied to simpler and complex mixtures. 3) Analyze and study the operation of this equipment.

Biological Reactors B

BIOT160 - ECTS The purpose of this curricular unit is in-depth knowledge of the operation mode of the various biological reactors, allowing the study of the mass transfer phenomena and design of agitation systems in fermentation broths. It is thus intended that students acquire knowledge about: the various operation modes of biological reactors and application of mass and energy balances for each type of reactor, the phenomena underlying the mixing and stirring of fermentation broths, sterilization and sizing criteria.

Microbial Technology


This course is intended for students to acquire knowledge about the multiple potential of microorganisms for biotechnological purposes. The student must know how to manipulate microorganisms, to use them directly or to produce and isolate by-products (eg, enzymes, chemical compounds) with medical-pharmaceutical application, in agricultural production, food technology, and industry. You should also acquire basic knowledge about the improvement of plants and animals.

Environmental Biotechnology

BIOT164 - ECTS The curricular unit of Environmental Biotechnology aims to present the main forms of environmental pollution in the water, the air and the soil, the characteristics and mechanism of action of microorganisms in the biodegradation of organic and inorganic compounds, provide students with essential knowledge of biotechnological processes applied treatment processes for remediation, treatment and conversion of waste and effluents. It is intended that students develops an overview of the Environmental Biotechnology, exploring its pervasive nature and rapid development of new environmental challenges. It is also intended that the student develops the ability to search for solutions in the preservation of the environment.

Equipment and Industrial Services

BIOT169 - ECTS The fundamental objectives of this curricular unit are the acquisition of competencies by students regarding: Apply generic concepts about equipment selection; Know how to differentiate in some detail the industrial equipment and services essential for the operation of the chemical industries; Know how to process the production, use and distribution of water vapor in a factory; Use the most suitable form of use and production of electric current

Industrial Management


The competence acquisition by the student can be measured on the basis of the following objectives:

To use effectively basic instruments for industrial management;

To apply the basic concepts of business accountability and finance and to comprehend the diferente accounting documents and instruments;

To be able to recognize the importance of business marketing, demonstrate its application in a variety of context;

To be able to apply management concepts to production activity, as well as to the management of materials, human and financial resources;

To use effectively instruments of industrial management.

Technological Project and Internship


The curricular internship is a fundamental tool and opportunity for finalist students to use their acquired knowledge over the course. The student is integrated into a work group in research institutes, biotechnology companies or faculties and it is expected that he develops part of a project and skills, with initiative and critical judgment. In the case of the student chooses a biotechnological project, the main aim is to introduce the initiative and methodic spirit for the accomplishment of a conception project. It is aimed to stimulate the enterprising capacity and create skills for students to be the agents of change anywhere they work. In particular, the project aims to develop the ability to research and solve problems, enhance the synthesis capacity and knowledge integration, leadership and critical spirit.


Quality, Environment and Safety

BIOT100 - ECTS Enable the students to implement and manage an integrated Quality, Environmental and Safety management system.
Students competences:
To interpret and apply the ISO standards for Quality, Safety and Environment;
To apply quality, safety and environmental management procedures; 
To identify and characterize the occupational risks in industrial environments;
To define procedures for the industrial licensing.

Food Technology

The objective of this curricular unit is to transmit knowledge about the operations and processes used in the food industry, that allow the control of the reaction in foods, during their transformation and storage. The is expected to acquire notions about the characteristics of food products (quality and nutritional values) and the alteration of their properties; should know and be able to apply different techniques to evaluate food quality and diverse methods of preservation, storage and packaging of food products.
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