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Professional Technical Higher Education Courses in Technologies and Programming of Information Systems - ESTSetúbal

Dados Gerais

Código Oficial: T024


  • Higher Professional Technical Courses in Technologies and Programming of Information Systems - ESTSetúbal (120 Créditos ECTS)

Unidades Curriculares

Algorithms and Programming Fundamentals


Comprehension of concepts and basic principles of programming languages.
Capacity of logic and formal reasoning that allows the analysis of complex systems.
Conceptual fundamentals and capacities related to the computer programming.

Elements of Mathtematics I

TPSI05 - ECTS The general objective of this course unit is to provide students with the basic mathematical knowledge required in the professional training of a top professional technician.

Technical English

The objective is to develop students’ knowledge of English in several areas, such as reading comprehension, writing, correct use of technical terms, grammar, fluency and personal interaction. Students will be acquainted with concepts and procedures used in the workplace, and will be able to apply technical language to specific contexts.

Introduction to Web Programming

TPSI02 - ECTS General objectives

Web applications play an important role in our everyday life. In this context, it is necessary not only to know how to use them more effectively and efficiently but also to develop skills for their development.
In this sense, it is intended in this UC that students acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies in the area of ​​front-end web development.
At the end of this course, students must have the necessary skills to design and develop the front-end of a web application.

Specific objectives

1 - Web Architecture

Obj#1- Understand and explain the main concepts associated with Web Architecture.

2 - HTML and CSS

Obj#2- Recognize and explain the purpose of HTML and CSS language;

Obj#3 – Recognize main HTML elements and CSS selectors;

Obj#4 – Distinguish between markup languages ​​and style languages

Obj#5 – Apply HTML language in the structuring of different contents and apply CSS styles language to HTML documents.

3- JavaScript and DOM

Obj#6 – Recognize and explain the purpose of the JS programming language

Obj#7 – Develop JS scripts that allow implementing interaction and dynamics in HTML documents.

Obj#8 – Recognize and explain the DOM. Apply JS to DOM manipulation.

Obj#9 – Recognize and explain how the HTTP/s Protocol works

4 - Integrating objectives

Obj#10 - Design and create the front-end of a web application with the integration of prior knowledge.

Obj#11 - Evaluate and reflect on the implementation carried out and identify alternative ways of implementation.

Computational Logic

• Have knowledge of the concept of abstraction
. Number representation systems: decimal, binary and hexadecimal.
• Understand and apply the main theorems of Boolean Algebra.
Understand its fundamentals and its application in computing.
• Apply the design methodologies of combinatorial and sequential systems. State machines.
• Implement sequential systems through GRAFCET.
• Know the constitution of a programmable automaton and know how to program it.
• Know the Automata network configurations.


TPSI09 - ECTS Explore the potential of a Relational Database Management System - DBMS

Application layer modeling to support data persistence

Construction and Manipulation of Relational Database Schemas

Inserting, Updating, Querying and Manipulation of Data in Relational Databases

Development of logical level interface for interaction with DB

Elements of Mathtematics II

TPSI10 - ECTS Provide students with the basic mathematical knowledge required in the professional training of a professional higher technician.

Forensic Computer

TPSI08 - ECTS The purpose of the Computer Forensic Curricular Unit is to provide basic skills in the field of Computer Security and Computer Forensics in order for students to know and know how to use techniques and technologies related to the field of Computer Forensics.
Students are expected to understand the basic concepts of Computer Security, acquire knowledge of how to establish security, acquire knowledge of cipher and steganography algorithms, and know how to analyze and manipulate file systems.

Object-oriented Programming


Web Programming

In the Web Programming curricular unit, it is intended that students acquire the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary in Web development, with the main focus on server-side programming.

In this sense, students:

- They must know and understand Web Architecture.
- Must know languages ​​and technologies used for server-side programming.
- Must show the ability to design a web application.
- They must demonstrate skills for the development and implementation of a Web application, with database integration and data visualization.
- They must demonstrate aptitude and skills for teamwork.
- They must demonstrate aptitude and communication skills.

Company Management and Organizational Behaviour


Students should develop skills in the field of business management, organizational behaviour, leadership, and team management.

Mobile Apllication Programming


Service Integration and Programming


Visual Programming

TPSI15 - ECTS - Ability to integrate knowledge acquired in other curricular units.
- Ability to adapt to new technologies.
- Ability to work in a team.
- Ability to develop professional applications.

Information Systems Project

  • The student must be able to explain the importance of modeling information systems and know how to relate the concepts: model, modeling and information system;
  • The student should be able to explain the importance of Business Process modeling and know how to relate the concepts: Business Process Management (BPM approach) and Business Processes by its modeling in BPMN;
  • The student must be able to identify and apply several techniques to carry out the survey, analysis and specification of requirements of an information system;
  • The student must be able to identify and apply several techniques to analyze and model an information system, using UML to specify the analyzed system;
  • The student must be able to identify and apply several techniques to design an information system, using UML to specify the system to be developed.


TPSI16 - ECTS Pretende-se que os alunos adquiram formação em contexto de trabalho numa empresa permitindo colocar em prática os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do curso.
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